you //1

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❝ it's you, it's all for you. everything i do is for you❞



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i've known you since we were in Kindergarten, i started to develop a crush on you in seventh grade and it most definitely was too much for my little seventh grade brain. 

at first, my crush on you was only because i thought you were cute and yes, i know if you read this you would tell me that it isn't right to judge or like someone because of how they look.

 but there was just something about your looks that made me feel like you outshined the rest, it does seem cheesy but it's the truth.

 i started to talk to you much more and realize you weren't just a "pretty face" and you were amazing to talk too, you had so much humor, and you were just you, incredible.

 you make me feel words that are indescribable, when every i'm around you i get butterflies. 

but every time we talked it made my whole day and every time i'm around you my heart beats so fast that i feel like it's going to beat out of my chest, that's the reason i can't tell you how i really feel about you, i really like you. 

believe me, i've tried so hard to understand why i couldn't tell you but i finally know now, i'm afraid that you'll reject me or hate me or even feel grossed out that i like you, after all i'm just the girl who sits next to you in third period. 

when i realized i liked you, i really didn't wanna believe my feelings for you and i didn't wanna believe that i could lose you as a friend if i told you just how i felt. 

i can just stare at your eyes and feel like i'm sitting in a chair in the sky, my crush on you is terrifying. 

 when i look at you i smile like a huge idiot, it hurts knowing no matter how much i like you, i will never be yours and you will never be mine.

 i'm glad we are friends and we can stay like that for as long as you want but i want us to be more than those two kids in the back of the class making jokes of literally nothing, i want there to be an us, i want to be yours and i want you be mine.

 thanks for being you, and that's the greatest gift you've ever given me.

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