everything //2

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❝ i knew he didn't love me but i adored him anyway❞



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 everyone adores you,

including me, but that's besides the point.

oh, how i wish you adored me, i just wanna be loved by you.

i want to be the highlight of your day, like you are mine,

i want you to arrange your day just to see me, like i do just to walk past you..

  so, you have a crush.

 it makes you as crazy as it makes you happy.

 one moment, you think all hope is lost, and then there's that one text message or talk that means it's back on.  

right now, it may seem very hard to just give up on someone who you put so much care into, but they don't even give a damn about you,

and no matter how hard you try to get their attention you never seem to get what you deserve.

 that's just the way crushes are, they bring all the hope you had and really just crush them.

i try hard to make small things happen like seeing them in the halls or "accidentally" bumping into them. 

the little things truly matter including when you feel you're on cloud 9 just being around them and the feeling that you guys even talk.

you vent about hating him, but we all know that if we were truly as forward as we'd like to be, everything would find a way to figure itself out. 

so, we pretend and we over analyze everything.

 absolutely everything. 

from the words they say to the time it takes to respond on text,

 it all means something to us when, in all likelihood, it meant nothing at all.

 chasing someone that may not be pursuing you gets you nowhere except running circles around your own heart. 

chasing someone only makes you lose your own breath while they keep theirs. 

we try to find a secret message in every flirty comment,

 but the truest truth is that if someone is into you, you'll just know. 

when you meet the right person, you won't need to run after them..

but I know you're the right person for me, you're the one i want no matter what. 


 i can't seem to forget you..

crush culture// day-to-day journalWhere stories live. Discover now