Chapter 1

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The Doctor, a time lord in his first incarnation, sits in his TARDIS, a dimensionally transcendental time machine that is also capable of space travel. Putting both hands on the white hexagonal console, the Doctor reflects on his decision to leave his granddaughter Susan behind on a future earth so that she can not only rebuild after a large scale dalek invasion, but have a life free from the constraints that traveling in the TARDIS imposed. Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright, two humans who not only had been traveling with the doctor and Susan for over a year now but were also her former teachers, stand in silence knowing they will never see her again.

Barbara speaks, "Are you okay doctor?"

"Yes...yes surely. Yes." The doctor says with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Ian looks at Barbra with a worrying look on his face. Though the doctor had many times before acted with an attitude that could only be described as cold, he has occasionally shown a caring nature, especially with Susan.

The Doctor carefully presses some buttons and twists a few knobs. Constantly looking at the glass cylinder in the middle of the console going up and down, making a wheezing groaning noise as it goes, hoping beyond all hope that the sadness will pass.

A section of the console explodes, the Doctor flies to the back of the console room. A black smoke emerges from the exploded section, and changes its shape into that of a man. "Who are you?" The doctor says in pain. The man slowly makes his way to the doctor, his presence becoming more menacing with each passing step. "I am your end."

The man kills the doctor. Leaving the TARDIS, and by association Ian and Barbara, to drift through the vortex forever.

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