Chapter 2

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The Doctor, a time lord in his 8th incarnation, is having a slightly better day than his predecessor. He is currently running through the forest with his companion Carol May, a 19 year old girl with blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a yellow jacket, a black undershirt, blue jeans, and a pair of black running shoes, while being pursued by a race of savage creatures.

"I thought you said that this place was going to be a paradise." Carol yelled,

"We must have accidentally landed on Salton 4 instead of Salton 3, the TARDIS must have gotten confused." The Doctor explained. Multiple Spears are thrown at them, but they dodge them just barely. A small blue box which reads "police call box" appears over the horizon.

"Doctor, I can see the TARDIS!"

"All right, all we have to do is get to the TARDIS and we'll be fi- LOOK OUT!"

A spear nearly hits Carol but she gets out of the way just in time.

The Doctor jams his key in to the The TARDIS's lock and hurriedly opens the door, jumping inside with Carol soon running in after him, she closes the door behind her. "You are such a drama queen." Carol chuckled.

"What? We were in danger and the TARDIS is the safest place in the universe." Carol walks over to where the doctor landed and crouches down so that she is at eye level with him, "You jumped like a kangaroo into the console room."

The Doctor gets up and dusts himself off, "I'm still alive aren't I? Now..." the Doctor walks over to the console,"... where do you want to go next?" The Doctor asked.

"Anywhere." Carol says unable to think of a destination,

"Well, if that's your answer then I'll just have to pick one for you... how about Metebelis thre-"

The Doctor suddenly falls to the ground screaming in pain, clenching both of his hearts. "Doctor!" Carol runs over to him, "What's wrong, what's happening?"

The Doctor gasps for breath, "I don't know, agh, it's almost like one of my lives was just wiped from all of time. But-But why, how?"

"That's what we were asking." a Scottish voice stated. The Doctor slowly stands up and looks at a small screen hanging off of the console. Six men are organized on the screen, one a man with black hair, is wearing a black frock coat many sizes too big, with baggy pants, and is playing the recorder, the one next to him is an older man who is wearing a ruffled shirt with a redlined cape hanging off his back and is obviously annoyed by the sound of the recorder. The next one is wearing a hat accompanied by a long brown coat and a multi colored scarf that he seems to be rather fond of, next to him is a blonde haired young man wearing a cream colored frock coat with an Edwardian cricketers outfit under it and striped trousers. A curly haired intimidating figure stands next to them, wearing a loud and ugly multicolored coat with bits of green, red, and yellow stitched together, over a white shirt with red question marks on the collar, and yellow trousers with many black stripes, and finally next to him is a smaller man, with a white jacket, under which is a sweater with multiple red question marks embroidered all over, he is also wearing a Panama hat and holding a red question mark umbrella.

"No. No no no, if all of you are here then this is worse than I thought." The Doctor said worriedly. "Who are they?" Carol inquired.

"They are me." Yes in fact they are him, the surviving previous 6 incarnations all in order on the little screen.

"You? How could they be you?" Carol confusedly asks.

"It's very hard to explain my dear." The Second doctor said.

"You only say that so that you sound smarter, you show off." The annoyed Sixth doctor says. The Second Doctor laughs "I'm not the one who looks like a talking rainbow. As far as show offs go you are the biggest one here."

The Seventh Doctor interrupts "You are all just confusing the poor girl, I am very sorry Ms.?"

"Carol." Carol says without delay.

"Ms. Carol. Like I said, i apologize for the behavior of my past incarnations, allow me to explain what's going on. When a Timelord is on the brink of death, they have the ability to heal themselves, but at the cost of them becoming an entirely different person. It's called regeneration, and given the fact that i don't recognize the one you are with i would assume that he is the 8th version."

"You were always the quick one" the 8th and current Doctor stated. He also knew of the darker nature his 7th self kept secret. The darkness that led him to destroying Skaro. He couldn't mention it though, the timeline was already vulnerable enough now that they are all speaking with one another.

"Now, back to the situation at hand," the 5th doctor said with a tone more serious than his specific incarnation had ever exhibited, "It seems that our first self has been murdered."

"Murdered?" The 8th doctor gasped. The first in an over one thousand year line of 7 regenerations is gone, if the situation isn't fixed soon...

"This could result in the end of the universe." The 6th Doctor added.

"The End of the universe, the entire universe?" Carol enquired with much concern in her voice. The 8th doctor wants to explain why this could happen, that the universe hinges on the Doctor existing, that now that his first self is dead it means that he and all of his other selves might vanish from existence, and that the web of time will shatter... but he can't, she wouldn't understand, at the worst she would break down, do something irrational, he would lose another companion, it would be Adric all over again.

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" The 8th doctor stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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