Chapter 1

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Hae Yoong woke up feeling sore and her body was painful as hell. Hae Yoong sighed in frustration "Why....why can't they leave me the fuck alone?..." She said with anger "Fuck my whole fucking life" She kept on cursing then when she finally got up she saw that it was time for her to finally get ready for school "I have to meet them later.... damn it..." She mumbled and went towards the bathroom "I hate showing my emotions...." She scoffed "This is why I wanted to stay homeschooled.... but no... she just had to make me go to a public fucking school...." She mumbled with tears in her eyes "Mom... you left me.... dad blamed me for making you die and now he left me...." She sighed and kept on doing what she needed to "You promised me that you wont leave..." She mumbled as her voice started to crack "I hate you..... and I miss you mom...." she mumbled and wiped the tears off her face

She left the house with everything she needed like her school bag, books, phone, masks, caps and most importantly her daggers and guns but she hid it somewhere secretive in her bag. She kept on walking but she looked down while listing to songs from the broken phone. She didn't see what was in front of her and she bumped into a group of guys "Hey! Watch where you are going—" The boy was cut off when she apologise with an emotional face and kept on walking towards the school 'Time to face my death...' She thought to herself as she went inside.... little did she know that the guys she bumped in earlier will help her slowly....

Once she got inside.... the torcher has started.... "Well, well, well look who's here.... it's the freak of the school! Girls... go!" Min Joo, the most popular yet meanest girl in the school.... she's the queen of the school and everyone bowed down to her... everyone except Hae Yoong.... that's why she's the biggest target in the whole school.... Nobody helped her.... they either look at her in pity or just quietly regret whatever they were doing towards her.... Min Joo's minions..... Yoojung and Somi, was the 'best' minions Min Joo had... no matter what they will always follow Min Joo's order... Yoojung took Hae Yoong's hair and started to cut it harshly.... meanwhile Somi started to beat her up.... Hae Yoong only stay silent as this was her fate.... she really didn't want to stay alive but she was just patient with what she was dealing with.... she does self harming as that is the only thing that kept her sane.... they finally stopped beating her and left her alone in the halls... she can only weakly stand up before she went to the nurse but....

The guys that she bumped into her earlier....

Helped her.....

They didn't care if they were about to be late or something.... they needed to get Hae Yoong to the school nurse

"Thanks.... I guess...." Hae Yoong mumbled as they are reaching for the nurse.... "Your welcome..." A boy told her "You guys are new aren't you..." Hae Yoong asked scoffing a bit... "Oh my! Hae Yoong dear! It got worse! Your hair... is shorter.... come here" The school nurse said worriedly and treated Hae Yoong... The thing is... the school nurse and the teachers are the only people that are there for Hae Yoong when she needed someone the most... "I'm sorry that I disturbed you Mrs.Lee..." Hae Yoong apologise to the nurse "Aniyo! It's fine.... I need to get you treated..." Mrs.Lee said and started to heal her....

"I'm done! Also" Mrs.Lea looked at the boys "Thank you for helping Hae Yoong here.... you boys were the first people that ever helped her when she was hurt... so thank you... now Hae Yoong" Mrs.Lee said then turned to Hae Yoong "Please do repay their kindness... now you should be going to class... but since there are new students.... please guide them ok?" Mrs.Lee told Hae Yoong as she nodded and slowly got up... Hae Yoong went to the door and waited for them "You guys coming?" Hae Yoong asked "Yeah we are... hold on" They said and went to Hae Yoong to go to the principals office "You don't have your schedule yet right?" Hae Yoong asked making sure.... the guys nodded meaning yes "ok then..." She said and kept on walking towards the principals office direction

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