Rena: Orphaned

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A short girl about the age of six was with her parents eating dinner during lunch. She smiled and she listened to the music her parents had on while they ate.
"Rena can you pass the sushi rolls?" Her mother asked, she was about to pass when a loud bang was heard above the room.

"Rena, go run find other heroes" Her father quickly yelled, his eyes were a bright yellow which meant he was using his x-ray vision quirk, little Rena was confused but ran out the door, her parents stood up as Kurogiri had opened his gate and a villian covered in hands walked through.
"Tomura" Her mother looked up with a shocked face, her husband became confused and stood on the side.
"You took everything away from me, now I'll take everything from you" He said scratching his neck and then touched her husband's neck, he started wilting away and eventually turned to ash, Lusy on the other hand was crying watching her husband turn to ash. Lusy was too busy mourning to see the Tomura had touched her too.
"You said you would never leave me, but then you left for another man... now you can die" He chuckled before leaving through Kurogiri, little Rena returned with a tall man who look severely tired, he had long black hair and a long white scarf. Lucy looks up at the man and smiled sadly.
"Ah Aizawa Shōta, how are you?" She smiled sadly as her flesh crumbled off and she was bleeding.
"We need to get you help now!" He said to Lucy as she weakly stands up and hugs her daughter.
"No, the effects have already been too far, I'm going to die. This is my fault anyways no one but me needs to suffer"

Rena hugged her mom tightly and cried profusely, Aizawa sighed and put down his head.
"I'm so sorry Rena" Lucy said and then smiled with tears rolling down her face.
"Be a good girl, I'll see you when your time comes" She says with a sad face before crumbling completely and disappearing, now for a six year old she was traumatized crying and hyperventilating. Aizawa gives her a sad face.
"Hey kid I need to take you somewhere, go get your stuff and I'll take you there, she nodded and they left the house after Rena got her backpack with her plushies and a couple posters.

Aizawa took Rena to his house and called some people while Rena slept. All Might showed up and watched He went to the police and a court.
Rena awoken and saw All Might in the kitchen wearing jeans and a white shirt.
"H-hi All Might!" She smiled
"Hello Young Rena!" He smiled and turned around, Aizawa returned at that time and smiled.
"Rena, you get to be my child.. if you would like?" Aizawa asked
"Yes!!!" She smiled and hugged Aizawa.
"Rena Aizawa will be your new name" He smiled and sat down with her on the couch.

All Might stood in front of them, and smiled his signature smile.
"Well young Aizawa, I'm must leave. I'll see you in the future!"
Aizawa nodded
"Bye All Might" Rena giggled and sat on Aizawa while petting his cat.
"So what's your quirk Rena?"
"Sound manipulation" She replied. She grabbed an ice cube and squealed, it then shattered as well as the empty glass next to her. She ducked and looked at Aizawa nervously.
"I'm sooo sorry!" She jumped up tears starting to form in her eyes.
"It's okay, we just need to learn how to control it" He replied tiredly and started picking up the glass shards as well as the ice shards.

Rena went to sleep and then the next day was brought to school by Aizawa, many fangirls squealed, he waved and continued taking her to school. As she walks into a classroom she sees a boy with green hair, a boy with blonde hair, a boy with wings, and one with very pointy hair. She bows and introduces herself as Aizawa Rena and then takes a seat next to the blonde kid who looked kind of mad.
"Are you alright?" She asked concerned to the blonde kid, he looks up angrier but sees her and pauses and then nods.
"Sorry I thought you were someone else" He smiles and she nods, the day goes on and that's how her elementary and middle school years went...

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