Wink 22

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"I have a date tonight!" I sang, dancing around my room. I did a few more basic moves, one consisting of 'the worm', and then stumbled downstairs, where my sister-in-law sat, picking her nails.
"I don't know what to wear!" I wailed, falling into her lap. She eyed me suspiciously as she continued to flick her fingers.
"Weren't you just singing at the top of your lungs, 'I have a date tonight?'"
"Shush woman." I placed my finger on her lips. "You are helping me." I hauled her persistently upstairs, dragging her by the hand, into my bedroom. I collapsed on my bed, surrounded by heaps of clothing and moaned. "I don't have anything good to wear. And this guy is H-O-T. I need to impress him."
Brea randomly grabbed a tshirt off the floor and threw it at me. "This one is nice. Now see ya!" She began tromping down the stairs, away from the pigsty.
I caught her by the hood. "Not so fast there dearie. You are helping me." I checked out the shirt she had pitched at me. It was my Marvel pajama shirt.
"Yes! My most favoritest shirt ever!" I tried to scratch the ketchup stain off and when that didn't fade it, I began sucking on the stain. Brea looked concerned as she ripped the shirt away from me and gagged as she placed it particularly into the overheaping hamper.
"You need a lot of help."
"Thank you for helping me!" I worshiped, hugging her feet. Again, she looked troubled but continued picking up clothes and thrusting them into the laundry basket.
"Forget that mess." I waved my hand toward the closet. "See if you can find something nice in there." Clothes were stacked upon clothes but Brea plundered the mess.
"You know," she started as she fingered through my dresses. "This really is your date. Why aren't you choosing the clothes?" I smiled brightly, which made her squirm a little.
"Because you love me."
"See if you can find another superhero shirt. Preferably Batman."
She ignored me and continued eyeing the colorful dresses before selecting a pink one. "I like this one," she decided as she hurled it toward me.
I seized the dress from the air. "Really?" I puzzled. "I haven't worn that dress in years." I held it up to myself in the mirror and did a little sashay to watch the dress poof out.
I glanced at the clock. There wasn't very much time before I needed to head on out. I glared at the clock but still, time kept ticking. "Just try it," Brea suggested, concluding my stare down with the clock. "I'm sure it will look amazing!"
Carefully undoing the dress from the hanger, I slid into it. Brea gasped as I emerged from the tornado room.
"You look as pretty as a picture."
"Ugh. Ew. Seriously?" I began to wiggled out of the dress.
"I mean - uh -You look like a superhero?"
And that did it for me. "Seriously? That cool? Do you think he will like it? Is it too pink? Are you sure it is fine? Does it make my butt look big?" I checked myself out in the mirror for the third hundred time.
"What? Yes! He will love it and your butt looks great. Now go get him girl!"
I beamed confidently. "I got this."

Teachers notes: This would get a 5.  It has good grammar and great voice!  It is very engaging.   It also has nice descriptive detail.  It would not get a six because the content lacks depth and the vocabulary is average.

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