Chapter 2

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"Stop, son of a bitch! Just drop me already." I shouted trying to wiggle out of his grip. He says nothing and takes me into a hotel looking place on the campus. I watch him go into the elevator and we go up at least 20 floors stopping at the 15th allowing other girls to enter and use the elevator. The see me still in Andrew's arms and giggle silently. I growl at them and they shut up. Once we reach the floor we were suppose to be on, the girls ran out of the elevator and Andrew followed slowly after heading down a hall.

"Is this a dorm room?" I ask. He doesn't answer in words, he just hums to confirm.

"am I going to have roommates?"


"can you talk to me?"

"I thought I was?" he says not looking at at me. He stops in front of a room and I watch him unlock room 2020 and walks in.

He drops me on a queen size bed and falls on to the other queen size bed closer to the window.

"from now on, if you go anywhere, you ask me, if you do anything stupid, I'll go after you." He said sighing

I scoff at him "Ok thanks dad."

I fall back on to the bed I'm on pulling the pillows over my body and sighed.

"This is probably the most comfortable bed I've been on in awhile." I laugh "almost makes me not want to leave."

Andrew says nothing, he just sighs. Wow, my roommate is such a fucking party pooper.

I sit up and look at him. His eyes are closed and he was laying like he was in his death bed. I sigh and fall back into my mountain of pillows and decide to close my eyes myself.

Slowly shutting my eyes and fall asleep. Sometimes, I hate sleep, nightmares and dreams, they bring back memories that don't want to remember.

My father and my mother screaming, the sound of hitting and fighting, and me, seven year old me, covering my ears and crying, wondering when it was going to end. The screams of my mother were still heard and a loud crack. Then it was silenced. Silence, my mother wasn't screaming, my father wasn't yelling. But instead, he came into my room and grabbed me from the house. He had killed my mother and we ran away from it.

"Hey! Emi! Wake up!"

I'm being shaken awake by Andrew who didn't have the slightest hint of hat hair. He was shirtless and don't get me wrong, those abs were pretty nice. His eyes showed worry.

Wait, why was I in bed with him?


Andrew looks at me with an emotionless expression "what are you talking about, you got into my bed look."

He pointed behind me and I turned to look. My pillow mountain exploded, the pillows were everywhere.

"So you sleep walked to me." He said setting his back against the bed frame sitting up. He picked up a remote and activated  a TV.

I swear to god, he smiled at the thought of me walking to him in my sleep.

"What did I do while asleep?" I asked with my blood boiling.

"Oh nothing much. You just got up and walked over to me and hugged me." He said nonchalantly

My blood rushed to my cheeks and I blushed

"You didn't get any stupid ideas right?" I asked

"Why do you ask that?" He turned to me and raised an eyebrow.

I get it he's a prefect. Someone who's perfect but no one is perfect. He's still a guy, with hormones, and a dick.

"Cause' you're still a guy." I rolled my eyes

He laughed lightly " well I did hug you back."

My blood boiled to the brim. I was angry and embarrassed. I lunged at him and pinned him to the bed. To keep his legs from kicking, I sat on his knees and pinned his hands above his head.

"You stupid little pervert!" I shouted at him. He  was unamused.

"What? All I did was hug you. I saw nothing wring with that." He said and winked. I blushed and he took that chance to kick me off him causing me to land on the other bed.

He got up and walked past me "i didnt actually do anything, it was just a prank." He said and headed to the bathroom.

When he left, I punched the bathroom door leaving a dent.

This boy, was choosing the wring girl to tease.

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