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‘You know your worth Zoe, don't let the future of this get ruined like the last one. Don't let her destroy your life this time, I have faith in you–’

Zoelle's POV

I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock early in the morning, in which I immediately turned off. I did a quick stretch and yawned, “Ugh, what time is it?” I asked to myself, when I look at the alarm clock, my eyes shot open and quickly looked back at the time.

“Hold up– it's 6:23 am?! I'm gonna be late on my first day of class! Damn it.” I exclaimed. So I got up and did my morning routines without any distractions whatsoever. After that I went outside and walked to school, the sun's rays giving me energy for a fresh new day.

A few minutes later, I have finally arrived at my new school campus, then I sighed.

But wait, I take a look at my watch; I still have 10 minutes, I could probably take a look around here. I thought to myself, not noticing that I was heading towards someone.

“Agh!” I said, getting a headache right after the impact.

“Oh, I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you.” Said the guy which I bumped into.

“Thank you–” I said but was cut off by him.

“Oh, shoot– I have to go, see you around miss–?” He looked at me with a questionable look.

“Zoelle.” I replied; he looks busy, no wonder he's in a hurry. “And you?”

“I'm Sage.” He says, as the noise of the ringing school bell followed. “There goes the free time.” He said. “Well, see you on class, I hope we're classmates.” He added.

“I hope so too.” I mumbled to myself, as I head towards my class.

“Good morning Miss Relish!” Everyone greets the teacher, then I noticed Sage slightly waving at me, looks like we're in the same class after all.

“Good morning students! I am Miss Relish, your teacher for this year's school semester. Okay, you may all take your seats.” The teacher briefly said, she took a deep breath, and continued.

“Alright, before we begin, I'd like you to meet the new students, once I mention your name, please stand up.” After that she took a paper on her desk and called out the new students' names.

“Here we have, Aqua, Zen, Kai, and Zoelle.” The teacher looked around and noticed me and the other three students stood up, we then introduced ourselves, then sat down.

So Sage is not a new student here.. I thought to myself.

Finally it's lunch! Looks like I'm gonna be alone for now since I haven't talked to anyone recently, and Sage is the only person I've met and talked to, but I can't seem to find him.

Finally got my food when the canteen staff handed over a tray with the foods and drink that I ordered.

“Thank you!” I exclaimed, then they just nodded with a smile.

After that, I sat on the corner alone, it sure is lonely, I wonder—

“Hi there! Is it alright if we take a seat here with you?” Said the girl who was about to sit beside me. “Oh uh, nice to meet you Aqua, I'm Zoelle, and sure.” I responded with a slight smile on my face. “Izabel! Come and sit with us!” Aqua exclaimed.

“O-oh, okay...” Izabel replied shyly while stuttering. She then sat down beside Aqua, and started eating her lunch.

“By the way, you're a new student here right?” Aqua asked.
“Oh, yeah I am a new student here, how about you guys?” I asked to them aswell.

“Just Aqua, but it sure is nice to meet you both!” Izabel said happily. So, do you guys want to be friends?” She asked.

“Sure thing! Let's go to class together then!” Aqua immediately grabbed mine and Izabel's arms and started to head towards our next class.

Finally, first day of class is over! And from what I had observed, today was a great first day of school.

“Zoelle, wait!” Sage called my name out loud.

“Aish, you don't have to be so loud!” I exclaimed.

“Sorry. So um, I was wondering, do you wanna hang out tomorrow? After school?” Sage asked. Now that's unexpected, we literally just met awhile ago, we're not even friends yet.. or maybe it's just me.

“Oh, sure! Where are we gonna hang out then?” I asked.

“How about in your house? We could watch movies or play video games.” Sage suggested. Ah, it's been so long since I let someone go to my house, besides my parents before of course..

“Sure, see you tomorrow after dismissal then.” I replied, as me, Izabel and Aqua started to walk and head home.

“Hey Zoelle...” Aqua slightly nudged her elbow, getting my attention.

“What is it?” I asked, raising one of my eyebrows.

“I have a feeling that Sage likes you.” Aqua said.

“I do feel it too..” Izabel added.

“You're kidding. We only met this morning. He probably just wants to hang out with new friends.” I immediately replied. I then added, “Plus I don't like him, he's my friend,” I added, slightly blushing.

“Hah! ‘Friends’ You can't lie, it's written all over your face. It's obvious you like him.” Aqua teased with sparkles on her eyes.

“Aiya! Even if she doesn't like him, might I just say, you two look great together.” Izabel exclaimed.

“Come on guys, stop messing around. Let's go.” I answered.

“Hmm.. Why don't we have a sleepover tonight? In Zoelle's house! Just a little ‘get to know each other’ since, you know, we just met today.” Izabel suggested. What the— what's with people wanting to go to my house?

“Hmm, fine. But tomorrow you're gonna help me clean then we can go to school together. Is it okay for you guys?” I asked, as they both looked at each other then nodded.

“Sure! We'll just have to wake up early, then we can clean up and head to class on time.” Aqua answered.

“Okay!” Me and Izabel replied, as we started walking towards my house.

But there's something that's been bothering me, it's like a fragment of my memory that I don't remember, it's like it's been removed, lost–

But most of all..

Why do all of this feel so...


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