Chapter 30-The Question

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Shane's POV

I rehearsed the line again, to Macy, and groaned afterward.

She looked at me,"Why the groan? I'm trying to help you!"

I shook my head. "How? By telling me to say,' Look, I've liked alot of girls before. But never have I experienced the feeling I have for you. The last girl I had a crush on, I thought she was my everything. Until she blew me off. So yeah. Take me?' That makes no sense, whatsoever."

She sat down on the chair, "I don't know, doesn't it make you feel better, if you at least, tried to move on?"

Huh? "Should'nt you be trying to get me and Ryan back together? You're her best-friend!" I shouted.

She shrugged. "Sometimes, its easier to forget. Look, I just wanted to see your reaction to this. Do you really wanna forget her, or win her back?"

Okay, shes confusing me. Why is she doing this? "I don't understand." I stated.

She sighed, and muttered, "Boys."

"Hey! I heard that!" I exclaimed.

"Look, you want Ryan back, or move on?" She said. Okay, thats much easier.

I nodded, "I want her back."


Macy and I walk to Ryan's house. I walk up to the door, and ring the door bell.

"Coming!" I hear Ryan call, from inside. I wrung my hands, I felt nervous.

Macy saw how nervous I was, and patted my shoulder.

I looked at her, and she offered me a weak smile.

I tried to smile back, but I did this weird deformed smile, and Macy started to laugh. Ryan came out and opened the door. As soon as she did, she saw me, and froze up.

"Ryan-" I started.

But she closed the door on me. I backed away, and started walking home.

I heard Macy run after me, "Hey! You! Shane! You can't just run off like that!"

I turned around to face her. I sighed, and said,"Why not? Its obvious she doesn't like me anymore. I don't even know why."

Macy shook her head. "The things I do for y'all. Like for real."

I turned around, and started to walk home. But Macy pulled on the collar of my shirt, and dragged me back to the direction of Ryan's house.

"Wha? Macy! Lemme go! How the hell are you this strong?" I blabbed.

I heard Macy laugh. "I take boxing lessons, duh." She stated, as if it was the most obvious answer ever. My body scraped the concrete, and I didn't even know what to think.

I rolled my eyes, and just let her drag me. No point in trying to fight back. She'll just whoop my ass.

She banged on the door, and yelled,"Its Macy! Open up!"

Yeesh, she's scary.

I heard the door unlock, and she dragged me inside.

"What is he doing here?" Ryan asked. I covered my face with my hands. Oh crap.

Macy let go of me , and I rubbed my butt. "Macy that hurt." I whined.

She rolled her eyes.

She stared to leave when Ryan spoke up. "Wait! Where are you going?"

Macy turned around and put her hands on her hips.

"Away from you guys. Go make up, have some fun, I have to go meet up with Dylan." And with that she left, slamming the door.

I looked at Ryan. I smiled, but she narrowed her eyes at me. Oh not this again. I got up, and started to walk to her. Her eyes widened, and she took off, up the stairs.

Now what? I can't just go up and follow her, this isn't my house.

I shrug it off, and decide to follow her up the stairs.

I run up the stairs, and look for her. I hear a gasp, and turn to the sound.

"You dare, follow me? Freaking stalker!" Ryan yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "But you love me." I drew a heart in the air, with my hands. 💙

She laughed, and pretended to puke.

"What's so nasty about love?" I ask her.

"Everything." She says blandly.

She sits down on the sofa, and I followed. She sighed.

"Can we start over?" she said, out of the blue.

I looked at her. What does she mean?

"Huh? What do you mean?" I wonder.

She ran a hand through her hair. "I heard what you said, the other day."

Confusion was written all over my face.

She groaned. "To that girl! You said that a certain someone was your everything, until she blew you off, or whatever."

I laughed nervously. Oh, she heard that...

"You heard that?" I asked her.

She nodded, and folded her arms across her chest. "I did. And that's why I'm mad at you."

"What? didn't you say that you wanted to start over, or whatever earlier?"

She nodded, slowly. "Maybe I did... So it's true! You were talking to another girl?"

I looked at her for a long time, before sighing. "If you count Macy as a girl, yes."

"She is a girl..." She told me, confused.

I stood up, and looked at Ryan. "No she's not! She is freaking scary! She is not a girl! I feel bad for Dylan now."

I laughed at my last sentence.

Ryan pulled me down, and I plopped onto the sofa.

She sighed. "Can you explain all of this to me?"

I thought about it. Sure I can.

"Sure. Only on one condition."

"What is it?"

"This." I laid my head down in her lap, and rearranged my self, to get comfortable.

"No!" she pushed me out of her lap.

I sat up. I pouted.


"Okay then, you just won't get the explanation." I smirked.

Her eyes widened, as realization sunk in. (Does that make sense??-author note.)

She sighed, and put my head back into her lap. "Fine."

I smirked. Yass, this is the life. I sighed and started to explain to her.

"So Macy came over to help me. She tried getting me to talk to you. But I couldn't. So then she tried to make me forget about you." I felt Ryan tense up, and I continued quickly. "But I said, that I loved you." She relaxed again, smooth Shane, smooth.

"I love you Ryan, I really do. I think about you all the time. I don't know why you started to avoid me, is it something I did? Tell me, because I will make it up to you. I promise." I looked up at her. I saw her smile, and I smiled.

I got up from her lap, and onto the floor. She frowned and opened her mouth, but then closed it.

I knelt down, and asked her a question, that I've wanted to ask her, for a long time now.

"Ryan I'm not asking for, your hand in marriage. I'm not asking you to spend the rest of your life with me. All I'm asking is, Ryan will you be my girlfriend?"


Aww! So cute! Love them! What do you think Ryan will say?


Or No! No way!

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