Chapter 8- Truth

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"What is the meaning of this?" Mrs. Park said as she grew angry at the boys "Really Jimin? You'd let your brother rape you?"

Mrs. Park widened her eyes and covered his mouth her hand. Even Mr. Park was shocked to hear that she decided to spill some tea (A/n im sorry i know im messed up 😆 okay back to the story) He walked slowly pass the boys to avoid the situation but Mrs. Park slapped him in the arm. Jungkook stared at Mrs. Park with his mouth open, as well suprised by the news. Jimin smiled a little bit cuz he knew Jungkook looked familiar to him. "I...Im his......your my-"

"Park Jungkook" The mother said to get his attention "Growing up.....Werent all that rich and stuff so it was really hard to....take care of you so we um had to give you up and sell you away to a much richer family"

Jungkook looked at Jimin, then Mrs. Park "I Im so sorry" Jungkook admitted "i didnt know that you 2 awful parents can't raise 2 kids so you decide to put him up, wonder fucking full" Jungkook fast walked out of the house and started running to his

He bursted through the door and ran upstairs to where his brother was in his room, doing homework. Jungkook slapped him across the face and threw his book out of his hand "JUNGKOOK WHAT THE HELL???" Taehyung said, standing up and getting in Jungkook's face "What was that for??"

"Im not real brother so it doesn't matter" Jungkook said

Taehyung smirked and grabbed Jungkook's hips, Pressing him against the wall. Taehyung was 2 inches taller then Jungkook so he was a bit bigger. Jungkook wanted to escape Taehyung's grip but he was scared by his actions, who knew what the older 'brother' could do if Jungkook ran and escaped "Who told you?"

Jungkook felt sweat forming on his forehead as Taehyung got closer to him "W..when i went over Jimin's why are you so close to me? Get away from me!!"

"Baby boy~" Taehyung pressed his hips against Jungkook's so he could his hands to cup Jungkook's chin "Can't you see? Ive been waiting for you to finally realize that we aren't birth brothers. Ive had a crush on you since we were kids and now-" Taehyung did a small hip thurst on Jungkook, making him squeeze his shut for a minute and moan "I get to have you"

"But you know i have a girlfriend T...Taehyung" It was obvious that Jungkook didnt like Taehyung back. He had his eyes on one girl and it was his girlfriend. The tension between the boys became hotter, sexier as their breathes got heavy and louder. Taehyung licked his upper slowly to suduece the young boy. But he didnt fall for it. As soon as Taehyung was about to kiss Jungkook. The younger smirked and whispered "Im a top" And yanked Taehyung off him, running down to his 'parents' "Im not your real son am i" Jungkook said

Mrs. Jeon snapped her head at Jungkook "Exuse me? Dont talk to your mother like that"

"Your not even my real mother" Jungkook scoffed "How dare you not tell me that I'm not yours, And you kept it secret all through out my life"

"Who told you. Your not going to live with him Jeon Jungkook you know that"

"IM A PARK!!! It doesn't matter who told me, Im not your son. Im just.....pissed that know one told me growing up. I just want to fuck the dude, i dont even care about him!"

Mrs. Jeon gasped "Jungkook! Your 16 years old and he's 18........meaning he should be a top idiot!"

Jungkook laughed at how layed back his adoptive mom was "He's shorter than me so I'm a top. But....i think im gay........cuz if i wanna fuck a dude that means, i should break up with my girlfriend and be single forever since i dont like having sex with the same person"

Taehyung then came down the stairs and looked at Jungkook "Im now very confused"

"He's gay and adopted, what else is there to say" The mother said "Look, okay, yes. Your family couldn't take care of you cuz they were very poor to take care of 2 children. Are you happy now that i explained it to you?"

Jungkook nodded "Yes.....But i wanna kill my birth mother for giving me up like some sort of dog"


I have a huge headache rn and i wanna die😣

Good news, I updated😁

Not cuz school is getting way (yet) Dance and procrastination gets in the way a lot so im very sorry👌❤❤

Love u babiezz💜💜

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