3 - Marry

83 1 0

It was almost two weeks later when I met Ryan Ross in a starbucks. Once I got over the initial shock we hit it off immediately. We went on dates and eventually moved in together. It was almost a year later when I proposed.

"Um, hi, there's no where else to sit, can I sit here?"
The brown haired guy sat at the table nodded shyly.
"Hi, I'm YN LN" I took a sip from my coffee.
"I'm Ryan, Ryan Ross" he said quietly.
"Wait, are you the Ryan Ross?"
He nodded and blushed.
"Well let me just tell you that you're much cuter in person"
"Thank you"

5 months later

I lifted the heavy box from Ryan's arms.
"Go sit down sweetie, I got this"
I carried the box up to my, well now our, bedroom.
When I came downstairs Ryan held out a cup of tea to me.
"Thank you Ryan"
We sat on the battered sofa together in comfortable silence, nursing our warm drinks.

7 months later

We were in London when I decided to propose. I had bought the ring about a month ago and I was just trying to get the courage.
We were in the natural history museum, Ryan looked adorably fascinated. In that moment I gained the courage and got down on one knee.
"Ryan, I love you so much, we've been together for just over a year and it's been the best year of my life," Ryan blushed slightly, a wide smile on his face, I pulled a small box out of my pocket, "will you, George Ryan Ross, marry me"
He nodded and I slid the ring onto his finger, standing up and kissing him.
We heard a spattering of applause from the people around us and Ryan leant into my neck.
"I love you YN"
"I love you more"

Fuck, Marry, Kill ( Ryan Ross X gender neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now