Unbreak My Heart

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I want to start writing this but I need to know if there are gonna be readers. So please everyone, if you're interested, leave a comment below. Once I get enough, I'll be motivated into writing and uploading the story. Until then, I'll leave you with a preview.  Enjoy...



I loved her. I wanted her to trust me. I was prepared to give up anything and everything just to see her smile. 

"Stay away from me..." she whispered, her dark eyes glinting like cold marble.

"I'm not gonna hurt you..." I took hold of her wrist.

Her pulse hammered against my palm and I saw that perfect mask start to slip, showing the woman beneath the cool, stoic student I had first met. 

"Let go of me!" she tried to pull away.

I didn't want to let her go but someone was between us, pushing me back with more gentleness than I expected from her friend. Those light, nearly transparent coloured eyes looked anything but kind, though, as they sought out my own.

"Don't touch her."

The warning was a quiet, nearly emotionless one save for the ripple of loyalty beneath its surface. I wasn't sure what the other girl was capable of but I sure as hell did not want to find out.

"Won't you at least hear me out?" I asked, desperately, pleading as much as my pride would allow.

"There's nothing you could say that would possibly mean anything to me," shot back the girl I loved.

That hurt. I felt it hit the back of my throat and my eyes were suddenly watering.

"Nothing?" I murmured "Are you sure? Nothing at all."

She looked away from me then, almost guiltily, her shoulders lifted to hide her expression. She didn't answer and I allowed myself to hope. 

"I want to help you," I said.

"I don't need your help."

"I can look after you."

"I'm old enough to look after myself, thanks."

"I...I want to fix you...heal you."

I could have slapped myself for saying something so stupid to the girl whose ego was worse than mine. I saw anger make cracks across her mask.

"I'm NOT broken and I'm not the sick one here. Help yourself before you start worrying about other people..."

"I love you."

That shut her up. Her eyes widened a fraction. She looked at her friend, as if wondering if she'd heard me right. The other girl returned her gaze, nodding her head slightly before looking straight at me. I could not even begin to imagine what she was thinking. That was probably a good thing. My own thoughts were driving me mad enough already. 

"You're not just any other person to me. I care about you more than anyone. I...I love you." 

I stared at the face of the girl who had captured me with her faults and not her virtues, who had messed up my perception of the world I thought I had known. The face that was now almost unrecognisable beneath the shifting feelings I was only just able to see clearly.

I knew it was a mistake to continue such a personal discussion with such a private girl in front of anyone, even though I knew her friend wouldn't breathe a word of it to anyone else. But she wasn't saying anything and the silence was killing me.

"I want to be with you..." I said quietly.

She was already shaking her head, stepping back.

"I'm sorry. But not everyone gets to have who they want."

"Why?" It took everyone ounce of pride I had to hold back the tears.

She looked up at me. I saw a star in the night sky of her eyes.

"Because they get who they need."    


Again, on the off chance that  your mind has been blown by the preview or something (It doesn't hurt to dream, does it? Provided you don't fall of the bed in the middle of one, of course. Heh.), I'll remind you to leave a comment if you're interested in reading this story. Sayonara...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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