White tail spider

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  You like watching the scifi channel?  Well, I LOVE watching the scifi channel.  In fact, my preferred nickname is the white tail; because I am a white female who knows just how to kill her prey, using the same methods of the white tail spider…You see, I’ve already lured you out of your home and by now you have been stung and understand you’re in a real messed up situation.  We are back inside your house…YOU, completely immobile, ME, preparing to devour the rest of you.  This is what I do…

(she puts on rubber gloves)

  I will slowly creep under your skin and begin taking it off.  Bit by bit.  Until there is no skin left.  Well, there will be skin, but just a pile of it to the side like dirty laundry.  It’s really gonna freak you out when you see what I’m talking about.  It’s actually quite a good analogy.  (beat)  After the skin peeling which should take less than an hour–used to take me longer but I’ve had loads of practice.  What was I saying?  Oh!  Once I have the skin laundry phase complete we will…you know what?  I’ll let you be surprised, this way you can enjoy the entire experience as this is your first and final rodeo.

Sound good?

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