Is This the Future You Wanted?

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Art credit goes to triturechan on Tumblr

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Art credit goes to triturechan on Tumblr

Summary: Inspired by Alex Hirsch's scrapped idea from his commentary on Weirdmageddon 2 in the complete series box set. With Weirdmageddon now over, Dipper gets a taste of what working with Stanford maybe like, and what consequences will arise from it when he gets a glimpse into the future. Or does he? And is everything really normal?

"Nope! Not looking, NOT LOOKING," yelled Dipper as he ran out of the room. Mabel looked on concerned, but did not try to stop him.

Dipper stormed out of the castle and speed walked down the road. The sun beamed brighter and the music playing felt like it was getting louder.

"Ah. Get a hold of yourself, Dipper. You gotta think of a way to save Mabel. Whatever it might be," he said.

But truth was, Dipper was on his own now. Mabeland had seduced both Soos and Wendy and Mabel was obviously not going to budge. He had to come up with a plan to save them all. But how? The journals we're gone, Ford was gone, and his other half was under Bill's control. What was he to do?

At that moment, Dipper spotted a familiar figure. It was Ford, wandering aimlessly around Mabeland. He could hardly believe it.

"Great Uncle Ford," he yelled.

Ford looked over and ran to him, "Oh Dipper, I'm so glad to see you," he said.

"What happened I thought Bill had frozen you," said Dipper.

"Ha. As I suspected after all this time. Bill let himself think he was better. But what he didn't do was freeze my cognitive self. I managed to think it up and unfreeze myself. When Bill wasn't looking I got back my quantum destabilizer, shot him in the back and sent his 3 sided self back to the nightmare realm he came from," said Ford.

"Wa...wait? So, you defeated Bill," asked Dipper.

"I most certainly did. Weirdmageddon is over, Bill is dead and everything is back to normal," replied Ford.

"But then, why are we still in Mabeland," asked Dipper.

"Oh, that's just some lingering effects of Weirdmageddon. They'll be gone soon. And anyways, Dipper, I need your help. A group of mummies escaped a cave nearby and I need your help to defeat them. Will you come with me," Ford asked handing Dipper his backpack?

Dipper looked up at Ford. He was still a bit nervous about Mabel and the others. Something just did not feel right about all of this.

"Are you sure Mabel will be fine," he asked.

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