Quarter Chase

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Summary: When Mabel loses her last quarter while buying some ice cream, Dipper goes on what he thinks will be a normal walk over to retrieve it. But of course, nothing is normal in Gravity Falls. Very loosely inspired by the cut out opening scene of Roadside Attraction from the Gravity Falls box set's 7th disc cut scene reel.  


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Nothing says summer more then ice cream. The Ice Cream truck was just outside of the Mystery Shack and Dipper, Mabel and Soos were all in line for some. Mabel walked up to the Ice Cream truck window.

"Man, I bet you love listening to the ice cream truck song all day?" she asked the ice cream man.

The ice cream man, with his tired looking eyes looked over to Mabel, "Goodness no. I pray for death!" he said, staring off blankly.

"Oh...kay," said Mabel, "Anyways, I'll have two patriot sticks, one large poptopus, a tub of dough with extra caramel syrup, two chocolate swirls, one with sprinkles and a large ducktective pop please."

The ice cream man handed Mabel all her ice cream, "So, is that for the 3 of you," he asked in his raspy voice.

"Oh no, this is just for me," said Mabel cheekily, "Dipper what do you want?"

"I'll just take a regular vanilla cone please," he said.

"I'll have another Ducktective pop if you got one, dude," said Soos.

After giving them all their ice cream, the ice cream man looked over to Mabel, "that'll be $10.50 please."

Mabel reached into her pocket and pulled out the exact amount of change. Just as she was giving it to the ice cream man, a quarter fell from it and rolled away.

"Oh shoot, that was my last quarter," she said.

"Hang on, I'll get it," said Dipper as he ran off.

"Uh, but Dipper I...."

"I'll be right back!" he yelled.

Mabel and Soos looked at each other confused.

Dipper chased after the rolling quarter. Before he could grab it, a car drove by down the road and the quarter flew into the air and landed onto its roof."Oh come on!" yelled Dipper. He climbed into the golf cart and chased after the car.

He followed it straight through town until it pulled into Greasy's Diner.

Dipper climbed out of the golf cart and inched towards the car. He was almost there when a bird landed on it, grabbed the quarter and flew off.

"You gotta be kidding me?" he said.

With a sigh, Dipper climbed back into the golf cart and chased after the bird.

He watched the bird fly around until it dropped the quarter onto Old Man McGucket's hat.

Dipper pulled up to him and approached, "Hey, old man McGucket. So, listen, there's uh...okay...how do I put this into perspective?"

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