09. Waiting...

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(Momo POV.)

I sit beside Shouto's bedside. Nearly his entire body is wrapped in bandages. The doctors were able to treat the cuts and burns that coated his body and Recovery Girl came by and healed his knife wound. It's been three days since the attack, since our wedding and he hasn't woken up yet...

When I first got here the doctors checked on mine and the twin's condition. The only injury I sustained was the cut on my arm which Recovery Girl took care of for me, and to everyone's surprise the babies are both unharmed and growing well. The doctor did warn me about using my quirk now. He said that it's okay if I create small things every now and then but another large scale creation could now endanger them...

I let out a sigh as I rub my abdomen, and think about the choices I made during that day... If I hadn't intervened when I did Shouto could have gotten severely hurt or even killed from that claw attack.. And with Toga, I did the best I could but I was still a little careless..

I reach out and set my hand over top of Shouto's, holding it gently and staring at his bandaged, sleeping face. "Shouto... Wake up soon," I quietly say.

I then hear a knock on the door. I turn and see one of the doctors come in. "Mrs. Todoroki, you're still here?" he questions as he sees me.

I nod and tun my attention back on Shouto as I answer. "Yes. Leaving him just doesn't feel right..."

He walks around the bed and begins checking on Shouto's vitals. "Your husband is stable. He's in no danger now thanks to Recovery Girl healing the major wound that he took to his abdomen. But he has been drained of all his strength and we're unsure right now how long it'll take him to wake up," he tells me. "Your doctor let me take a look at your records and I know you are pregnant Mrs. Todoroki. Your husband is safe here and you don't need to worry about him. Please take my advice and go home and get some proper rest. We can call you when he wakes up."

"Proper rest..." I mutter. I lightly squeeze Shouto's hand. I lean forward and lightly kiss his lips. "Please let me know the moment he wakes up," I say with a small bow to the doctor.

He returns the bow. "We will Mrs. Todoroki. You go home and rest."

Leaving his side is hard, but I know that I owe it to him and the twins that I must go home and rest myself properly... I leave the room and walk down the hall, my mind thinking of nothing except Shouto.. I round the corner and find myself face to face with Jirou and Kaminari.

"Oh. What are you two doing here?" I ask as we all stop walking.

"We came to check on you and Todoroki. We went by your place and you weren't there so we came here," Jirou replies. "How's he doing?"

"The doctor told me that he's stable and once his strength returns he'll wake up.."

"So he's still out cold?" Kaminari asks.

I nod as I start to feel tears forming in my eyes. Jirou puts her arms around me, which causes me to break down. I bury my face into her shoulder as I let my hormonal emotions take me over. Jirou pats my back, not saying anything, just allowing me to cry into her shoulder.

"It's gonna be ok Momo," Jirou finally says. "You've got nothing to worry about. You said the doctors told you that he's fine. He's just out from Recovery Girl's treatment. That's all. Let me take you home and we can hang out until he wakes up."

I wipe the tears from my face and look her in the eyes. "Jirou... You're such a good friend," I reply with a small, grateful smile.

"I'll stick by Todoroki's side for awhile," Kaminari says as he begins to walk away. "I'll call if he wakes up."

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