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The day I was born, my parents always tell me, is the day that the spark of mischief appeared in Declan's eyes. They never blamed me for the way he turned out, the person he had become, but they knew me coming into the world caused something in that 10 year old boy to snap. 

Declan is the eldest boy out of the four of us, the True Heir to King Brice of France, as most of the nobles believe. For the first 10 years of his life, he was treated as a king. Even after my two brothers were born, it didn't matter, because he was the true heir. But... when I came into this world, the 10 year old heir lost mind.

Biologically, he still had a hold on the throne. The day he turned 25, he would take his place on the throne, with or without a queen by his side. He would be the King of France, and by the age of 30, he would have to have a queen, produce an heir, and continue the Rouleau reign for another generation to come. 

Emotionally, and within the family, he was just the eldest son now. The day I was born, I became the true princess, the prized jewel to the King's Court, the glimmer in my parents eyes that no one in the kingdom had ever seen before. I was their most prized possession, and Declan had no idea how to deal with it, besides retaliate. He tormented me and my other brothers, set fires ablaze in the castle halls, shot arrows into the royal horses for fun, and that was just a few of the horrible things he had committed. 

By age 15, my parents, every member of the King's Court and basically every servant who lived in the castle had had enough of his demonic little ways. So, my parents did want any other parent would have done: they sent him away.

In most nations, royal girls in the family were typically sent away to convents at age 13 to be taught manners, the proper ways of the royal family and mostly, be protected from defiant nations. 

In France, considering we were a peaceful nation with no present enemies, convents were either kept running to house defiant children, or abandoned due to lack of traffic. Declan was shipped away to a convent, and on his 24th birthday when he was set to return, the ladies of the convent arrived empty handed, begging my parents for mercy for not being able to contain their son. Apparently, he had run away with another one of the convent boys when he was 20, and the ladies hadn't seen him since.

The nobles were outraged, considering Declan had abandoned his place as the heir. They gave him until his 25th birthday to return, but he never did, so it was decided that he had forfeited his right to the throne.

After the whole debacle, the entire King's Court scrambled to figure out what the next steps would be. The lineage said Stephan, but the nobles demanded otherwise...

Declan had left a path of destruction behind him after he left for the nation of France.

RoyalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora