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Truly, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I, myself can prove this right.

I wasn't killed that time. That time, that was the most tragic time of my life. I never thought I would witness murder at such a young age and in front of my very own eyes. The blood I saw, and the screams for mercy I heard, I knew will never leave my mind.

"Kill us, yes! Kill us! But please, please, do not touch our daughter!" I heard my father beg. My father is a strong man, a loving one. I know he's strong, he told me that I had to be just like him. But some things can't possibly always be right, because here we are close to death..

The next thing I heard, or rather the next sound I heard is a gunshot.

"Nooooo! Christoff! Christoff! Darling! No!" My mom shouted as she saw her husband, my father, die.

She tried to escape from the grip of the man holding her, but was too weak to do so. My mom, she is a compassionate woman. She is the best, there's no one who can take her place in this world. She loves my father and I more that she loves herself and I know how painful it is for her to see the ones she loves killed in front of her and there is nothing she can do..

I felt tears dropping along my cheeks. I was too shocked to move or even speak.

Indeed, my father told me to be strong. They told me I am too smart for my age. Maybe that is why I understand these things happening even if I am just nine years old. I know, I know that right after another bullet passed through my mom, I will be alone. They will be gone. I will be all by myself, forever.

"M-mom." I tried to call her. My mother quickly looked at me, and although I knew that she wanted to go near me, she can't. The grip of the man holding her is just too strong.

The guy who shot my father looked at me. I felt an electricity flow down through my spine. I shivered. His eyes were the same as the evil ones have, no mercy no conscience. Nothing.

"No. Please, please do not harm Athena. Please. My baby." My mother said between her sobs. But the guy didn't even looked at her or gave glance at her. He just walked, moving to my direction. I felt my knees wobble, my heart closed to escaping my chest. But my father said I should be strong, so I will be.

He knelt, and placed his hands on my shoulder. I raised my shoulder to shake of his grip and glared at him.

"You're too young to witness these things." He said. "I'm sorry." He whispered in my ears, with a hoarse voice. There was no compassion in his voice. He doesn't sound sorry for what he has done at all.

"I hate you." I answered, my tiny voice shaking with fury and agony as I remembered that my father is dead. "I hate you!" I finally shouted after pushing him away.

 He looked at me for a moment and grabbed me easily and walked through the door as I got my final glimpse of my mother, shouting, crying, begging. That is the most painful thing I have ever seen.

"Mom!" I desperately called for her. It took away all my remaining strength to prevent myself from crying when I received no answer. She's gone.

My mother's gone too.

Yes, they were killed. The only people I love and treasure the most in this world. They were killed, in front of me. With no mercy, they shot a kid's parents in front of her innocent eyes, my innocent eyes.

I was nine back then, I was just nine yet I can't forget that incident.

I can never forget that incident.

Now, I am seventeen. Eight years had already passed.

Don't ask why I turned into a girl like this. I was raised by my uncle in New Jersey. Now I am going back to the Philippines. I grew ruthless. I learned a lot of violent things with the help of my uncle. I am strong, I became strong just like my father wanted me to become.

We're rich. But I care less of what I inherited from my parents.

Because all I care about is avenging their death.

But to achieve this, I have to find To find them and to use all the things I learned, I want to be the one who kill them. I want to be the one who'll cause them pain. Pain that they will never, ever forget. I am not afraid, because this is the only reason why I live,

and it all starts here.

Twitter: #ATGOV

Athena: The Goddess of ViolenceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon