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Hits that hard relapse whip.


At the age of ten, Lance learned what an eating disorder was. He read about it in a book, following the struggles of a teenage girl who suffered from anorexia. He didn't understand it at first, as he didn't get why someone would do that to themselves.  He was raised to be accepting of everyone no matter what, and he couldn't grasp the idea of why someone couldn't love themselves.

When Lance was 14, he started growing insecure about his body. He'd always been a pretty lanky kid, with long arms and legs, and an overall tall stance. He also liked to snack a lot, nibbling on anything he could get his hands on, craving sweet things often. His siblings made a lot of passing remarks on his eating habits, teasing him as he'd grow embarrassed and ashamed. He started thinking about the remarks, and what if they were right? He glanced over his stretch marks in disgust, he hated how his thighs touched or rubbed against each other, and he especially despised the extra pooch on his stomach, digging his nails into the flesh angrily.

When Lance was 17, he started to starve himself. Avoiding meals as often as possible, working out intensely, trying his hardest to avoid gaining even the slightest bit of weight. He felt pride when he lost twenty pounds in his first few months, a twisted sense of satisfaction as he neared closer to hitting the underweight mark, or whenever he could see his ribs poking out, or feel the hunger pains as he went his third day without eating.  He felt light, he felt like he was in control.

He felt empty.

And he loved it.


Some crappy vent for you all. Lowkey a sneak peek into another ED Lance fic, who knows? I don't.

Buli just yeets that food out my body lmaooooo

Weight loss commercial: just do these easy steps to lose weight!
Bulimia: you are like little baby, here watch this

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