My Experiance In Hell.

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Everyone has wondered at some point what Heaven and Hell might be like. Even if you don't believe in the after life, I can bet your mind still lingered on the subject while you tired to sleep. Its human nature to wonder, but another, less exciting, part of being human is to fear. Which is why, I believe, we tend to ponder what might wait for us in Hell more than what we wait for in Heaven.

I can't tell you what Heaven is like, you'll have to try your best to see for yourself. But if you wanted a semi-detailed description of the further south by someone who's been there in person, then you're reading the right essay.
Now I won't get into detail on how got there, (Im sure if you knew me before, you'd have an idea.) How I got out, or how long I was there. (Truly, I couldn't answer that last one if I tried.)
I can tell you, though, that Hell is exactly what you'd expect it to be, but also not quite. As you'd probably thought, it's hot. Hotter than the worst summers on earth. And it's loud. Some of the noise is screams, the kind that come from people who don't care if they never have to use their throat again. Other sounds are rattling of what I assumed was chains. But the worst of all these was the subtle ripping and dripping that I heard between the screams. The sounds fused together in time, and I learned that they come in patterns; Rattle, Scream, Rip, Drip, Scream, Drip, Rattle, Scream, Rip, Drip, Scream, Drip.  This was constant.
Then there was the smell. I could never forget the smell. This was a oder that you could almost feel. Burnt hair, piss and shit, and rotten meat. I once shoved my fingers as far up my nose as possible in a effort to free my self from the smell. It did not work.
Lets us not forget, the part we all fear the most. The pain. It will start with burning from the heat, then your head will throb (check) from the noise. That's just before the claws come in. They seemed large, just one could take off your head with ease. They take their time sinking into your chest, and when the tips poke out your back, they will start to push down until they reach your toes. You can't die from this, obviously, but by the fourth time they snuck up on me like that I wished I could.

Now, for the twist. The part that none of us saw coming, that I imagine still brings a smirk to the devils lips, where ever the fucker is. That is the fact that I was alone for all of this. No demons. No devil. No other damned souls, and no hell pups. 
No one tortured me, and no one else was being tortured. All that I mentioned above was still happening, just inside my own body, while the actual place I was in was a big, dark space.
The world was empty and Hell was inside me.

It felt like years of roaming the abyss of Hell like this, and I saw no one, yet still felt eyes glued on me. Even now that I'm out, I still feel this from time to time, and this alone is enough to make me wonder if I ever did make it out.

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