Chapter 3

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2 Days Later...

Sam 's P.O.V

I woke up to a bright white room. "Ugh." I said while trying to cover my eyes. There were things in my arms. "What the hell?" I whisper to myself. I open my eyes fully to see a sleeping Colby in a chair next to my bed, he was veerryyy close to me, like the bed chair were glued together. His eyes were red and puffy and there were dry tears down his face. I look around more and it hit me. I'm in a damn hospital! I got scared and freaked out. "Colby. Colby?!" I raised my voice a little as he was waking up. "Hm? What?" He woke up saying. "Oh my god, what happened to me?! Am I okay!? Oh god!" I started raising my voice and kicking my feet. I also started to cry a bit. "Oh my god Sam! You're awake! Um wait... calm down calm down! You're fine." Colby said. He was trying to calm me down. We were talking over each other. "Oh my god! No. Please. Am I hurt!? No." I was crying and Colby was saying, "No, no, no! You're fine. Calm down! Calm down..." Katrina and a doctor walked in looking very shocked and worried. Me and the doctor started talking over each other. I was crying loudly... "Kat! Katrina, what's going on!? What happened to me?!" I said while the doctor was saying, "Samuel, Samuel, calm down. You will be fine. It's alright." I was kicking my legs still. I didn't know what I was doing. Until I felt the doctors fingers on the side of my neck. He was shooshing me as I was calming down. "Oh my god! Hmmm. Hmm." I said as I was calming down. I was still crying though. "You are fine. Calm down... and everything will be alright." The doctor said. "Do you want to know what happened to you?" The doctor added. I nodded my head in response. " An arrhythmia can prevent  your heart from pumping enough blood, or it can stop it from beating completely. ... During cardiac arrest, also called a sudden cardiac event, a person will pass out as their heart loses its ability to get blood to the brain. Usually they won't be breathing, and will have no pulse." The doctor explained. "Wait, his heart stopped, so doesn't that mean he should've died?" Katrina asked. " If not, you typically don't. For this, a general rule of thumb is that brain cells begin to die after approximately 4-6 minutes if no blood-flow. After around 10 minutes, those cells will cease functioning, and be effectively dead. You guys came just in time before he could die." The doctor told us.

Katrina 's P.O.V

Oh my god! Sam could have died! What would I have done if he died!? I love him sooo much with all my heart! I don't think I would be stable for a loonnnggg while. Oh my god. I don't want to think of it. If I lost Sam, I would lose myself... "Sam will be alright, he will be able to leave in 4 weeks.":-Dr. Wells said. "Thank you, thank you so much!" I said as we shook hands. "I am glad I could've helped!" The doctor said as he shook Colby's hand. Dr. Wells left the room. Me and Colby just looked at each other, I was biting one of my nails. We were thinking the samething. "What do we do now?" Colby and I said at the same time. "Hey, guys?" Sam said. We both turned and looked at him. "I'm... hm... feeling quite sleepy. I would like to be alone for a couple of nights... You guys can go home." Sam said as he was falling asleep. Colby and I started grabbing our things to leave. I can't wait to get home!

Time Skip

We got to the house and went inside. "Guys we're home!" Colby shouted for the roommates... no one answered though. "Hey Devyn!? You here?!" I shouted. "Yeah?" I heard Devyn's low voice coming from upstairs. Colby and I went upstairs to Devyn, she was doing her make-up. "Hey Devyn. Where's Corey?" Colby asked. "He's in our room." Devyn said. Colby went to Corey's room then Katrina turns to me. "Kat! Hey!" Devyn says and we share a short hug. Devyn seemed a bit uncomfortable and nervous. "Hey Devyn? Are you okay?" I asked as I worried a bit. "What do you mean?" She replied. "You seem a bit... odd." I said. Devyn stood there for a moment, "I um... I'm fine..." Devyn said as she turned back to her make-up. She was really scared. "Uh no you're not. Don't worry, you can tell me ok? What is it Dev?" I asked. Devyn looked sooo scared and nervous... I don't know why.

Devyn 's P.O.V

"I um... He..." I kept stuttering... Katrina was right in front of me demanding an answer. Her boyfriend is in love with his best friend. I can't tell her that but I can't lie to her either. "He? He who?" Katrina said... "Um... S-Sam... He... uh..." I couldn't stop stuttering!!! "He... um... AHHH!... I got to go." I yelled then left. I ran to the backyard and just started thinking. I really just did that? I have to do something about this. It takes some sneaking out and acting...

What will Devyn do?

We'll see on the next chapter...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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