Chapter 6 // Zayn

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I raced up the stairs, leaving Niall with Liam. I walked into Louis' room to find him sitting on Harry's lap, sobbing his guts out. "Louis-"

"Go the fuck away Zayn!" Louis shouted. "I can't believe you'd do that to me!"

"Did what?!" I asked, angry. Why was he screaming at me? I'm just worried about him.

"You . . . You snogged Niall." Louis stuttered out, seeming extremely heartbroken.

"Louis, that was an experiment. Sort of." I said. "Niall and I have never kissed a boy before and we wanted to try it. We're just friends, I swear."

After a moment, I added, "And, not to be mean, but why do you care that Niall and I kissed?"

"You snogged." He stated, venom and sass in his voice.

"Fine. Why do you care that we snogged?" I asked, putting emphasis on the last word I said.

"You stole him from me!" He shouted, choking out a sob. He wiped his eyes on the back of his hand, sniffling.

"W-what?" I asked, confused. I stole Niall from him? Is that was he was trying to say?

"I'm in love with Niall!" Louis screamed. "Okay?! And- and you stole him from-"

"Wait, you love Niall?" I interrupted, a sudden excitement spreading through my body.

"Y-yeah." Louis stuttered in a tone that said he didn't think that was very important right then.

"You have to tell him!"

"Zayn lower your voice." Harry said, speaking for the first time since I'd walked in.

"And why do I have to tell him?" Louis asked. I bit my bottom lip. I couldn't tell Louis that Niall loved him back. It wasn't my secret to share.

"Just because." I said, trying to persuade Louis to tell Niall he loved him. "You have to."

"Hey, boys." Someone said from the doorway. My blood turned cold and I turned around quick. I sighed, relieved when I saw it was just Liam.

"Hey, Liam." I said, hardly even noticing he didn't have Niall with him.

"What's going on?" Liam asked, stepping into the room. "Niall and I heard a lot of shouting."

"Louis was just telling me . . . something." I said, deciding I probably shouldn't tell Liam since Louis hadn't.

"That he loves Niall?" Liam asked, walking over to sit down. "Yeah I know already."

"Am I the only one who didn't know this?" I asked, then turned to Louis, not waiting for an answer. "You have to tell him, Louis."

"Why?" Louis demanded, anger in his voice. "Does he love me back?"

"Ye- I don't know." I said, cutting myself off. Louis rolled his eyes, looking away from me.

"Exactly." Louis huffed, rubbing tears out of his eyes. I should just tell him, I thought.

"Where is Niall anyways?" I asked, panic settling in my voice. "Isn't he with you?"

"He went for a walk." Liam said, and I froze.

"A walk?!" I snapped. "Liam! Don't you remember what happened last time?!"

"You can't just baby him all the time Zayn." Liam said, sighing. "He's fine now, okay?"


"Oh he's fine now?!" I yelled, pacing around the living room. It has been twelve hours, it is pitch black outside, and we haven't seen Niall at all.

"I'll call him." Liam muttered, and grabbed his phone. He dialed Niall's number and pressed it to his ear. Louis was sitting on the couch, half sobbing and freaking out while Harry tried to calm him down, even though Harry was freaking out a little bit too.

Liam threw his phone, making it shatter against the wall, then collapsed.

"Oh my god." He whispered.

I sighed when suddenly my phone rang. Everyone's head snapped to me and I immediately pulled my phone out, answering it.

"Hello?" I asked, hoping it was Niall. It wasn't.

A lady's voice sounded through the other line. She sounded like one of the woman from a hospital, and that scared me. "Hi, is this Zayn Malik?"

"Y-yes." I stuttered, wondering who this was, why she was calling me, and how she knew my name.

"Yes, you were on his emergency list." She muttered, and I probably wasn't supposed to hear that.

"What?" I asked, scared. I knew the words that were coming next, but I didn't want to hear them.

"We're calling about Niall Horan."

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