2. Rotten Reality

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Days after that encounter my life had already moved on. Scratch that, minutes after that encounter. If I may be honest, I kind of forgot all about the guy as soon as I stepped into my friends car. I know that's not the way these kind of stories usually go. People are supposed to meet each other and know they're right for each other, just like that. This is real life.

And let me tell you, real life sucks. In real life you have parents, school, pressure and a shit load of stress. So that's what I've been busy with, avoiding my nosy parents, kind of going to school and trying to live with the pressure of life. Today it's Friday, my favorite day. I like Fridays even more than Saturdays. Everybody's happy on Friday, the idea that two school-free days are so close makes everyone a bit exited. Now I'm not a big fan of excitement, but I do like the idea of not having people telling me to wake up and get my ass to school for two days.

Unfortunately that's only in my mind, the carefree days. In reality my parents wake me up for no reason, just the enjoyment of finally being able to annoy me for a change. And my weekend won't be filled with lying in bed and watching random movies. I'll have to go to work to save money because my parents aren't planning on paying for my art school dreams.

So that's why I love Fridays. Everyone's exited for their weekend and somehow that makes me happy too. Because a few moments on those days I forget how much my reality sucks, and I get sucked up in everybody else's life's for a moment. I listen to the people sitting behind me talking about some party. I head people making plans for a trip to the beach on my way to Math. It's nice.

I hear the bell ring and make my way to the back of the school to grab my bike. I push people away as I make my way through the halls. While everybody is going to the parking lot in front of the school, I'm the only one walking the other way.

I haven't seen Michael in weeks, as expected. Like I told you before, that's my reality. The universe gave me a chance to make a friend and look who blew it. That's right, this girl. I put two thumbs up, pointing them at myself while shaking my hands and making a mocking face. I'm so stupid. Now don't misunderstand me, I don't have some kind of freaky crush on the Clifford guy. It's just, you don't meet a lot of new people in a tiny town like this one. And I know I already kind of knew the guy, I mean I knew he existed, but I never talked to him. Which is really rare in this town, because everybody knows everybody. This town is like a bookcase filled with books I've already ready, and I've finally found I book with an unknown story I'm eager to read.

I finally reach the back of the school and push the door open. It's nice and quiet outside. When I walk towards my bike I notice a motorcycle parked so crappy I can't even get to my bike. I sigh and start walking faster with big paces. When I get to the motorcycle I try to walk past it and grab my bike, but the brick walls of the school and the stupid Harley make it impossible to even touch my precious bike. This entire alleyway is empty and this asshole felt the need to place his freaking gas slurping peace of shit in front of my bike. I place my backpack on the ground and roll my sleeves up. With one smooth movement I take hold of the motorcycle and throw it on the ground. Without giving a care in the world I place my backpack on my back and step on the motorcycle to grab my bike and lift it over the peace of junk. When my bike touches the ground I step off the motorcycle and step on my bike. Before I start biking I change my mind and walk back one more time. With all the strength I have in me I kick the motorcycle, making it scrape over the ground and I hope it earns a lot of scratches.

With that done I step on my bike, satisfied, and start my ride home.

When my front wheel touches the first step to the front porch of my house I jump off my bike and run towards the door. I hear my bike fall to the ground behind my but ignore it as I search for my keys, throwing the content of my backpack on the porch. Luckily my search is interrupted by the door opening. 'Lilith? What in God's name are you doing?' My mom gasps as I put all my stuff back into my bag. 'Hello to you too mom. I'm in a hurry.' I push her aside and go to my room as fast as I can. I hear my mom yell something from downstairs which sounds a lot like. 'She ruined my roses!'

Denim (Michael Clifford)Where stories live. Discover now