How it began

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\A few hours before the news of a zombie virus/

OMEGA scientist PoV:

I waved goodbye at my coworkers so I could start my nightshift in the lab

OHM Scientist:This nightshift thing can't be that ha-*Splat*-Who's there!????!!....

There wasn't any way my friend would prank me....would they


No one's PoV:


OHM Scientist:Drahhhhhhhhhh-*Inhales*.......DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH

My (Ivan's) PoV:

Everyone in my family were doing their own thing,Mauricio was feeding Jacob some apple sauce,Jacob was eating the apple sauce,Maggie,Kayla & Jessica were cooking

Television:Good evening everyone,I'm Sabrina Locks and we have some special news. There have been reports of "Infecters" who have been eating others and changing them,While there have been only been a few changes people should stay indoo-*BAM*-AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH-*T.V. Static sound*

We all stared at each other in shock when I heard the glass door break


Grabbing a metal bat with metal bolts forced into the top as fast as I could,I ran towards the Infecter and took a swing to it's head as the Infecter fell down to the ground

Grabbing a metal bat with metal bolts forced into the top as fast as I could,I ran towards the Infecter and took a swing to it's head as the Infecter fell down to the ground

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(Here it is)

Ivan:DON'T....*CRRK*......YOU..... *SPLAT*...EVER.......*BAM*.....TRY....... *CRRNGCH*......TO.........*SPLAT*..............HURT.......*CRRNNGGCH*...MY...... *CRAAAACK*...........FAMILY..... *Repeated Gasps*

Maggie's PoV:

Watching Ivan kill that infecter made me look for any weapon that was homemade but effective

Maggie:Hey Ivan,We might need all the supplies we can carry and some weapons

Searching for some food that is non-Perishable was the first thing I looked for....

Ivan:Hey Maggie,there is a weapon bag taped under the dinner table,but..... no guns,only a machete,a homemade axe,a katana and a breaching hammer

Jessica:Dibs on the machete!

Maggie:Damn it,well dibs on the homemade axe!!

Mauricio:I'll think I'll have the breaching hammer

Kayla:Whatever,I can handle a katana

Ivan's PoV:

There were at least six people still in this family and 2 dogs and with that amount of people,we only had a 69% chance of surviving this whole thing. So in order of improving our chances of surviving this whole thing...... Now I know how to do this

Ivan:Everyone,we need at least 4 more members for our group and I know just the people who will join....

To be continued.....

*Cracks knuckles*

Hello everyone,Spectre here and this is end of my first chapter hope you enjoyed

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