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"sam, wake up. you don't want to be late on your first day,' dad calls from the bottom of the steps. i sigh and wipe the sleep from my eyes, only mildly aware of the time; 6 am. 

the first thing i notice when i wake up is the fact that my room is different. and the second thing i notice is i am at my dad's house. which means he is still gone and i am still miserable at best. 

after yawning and sighing with a dash of stretching, i walk into my bathroom and begin my usual daily routine. it's the same for everyone isn't it? brush your teeth, a little eyeliner, fix your hair, and you get the gist. 

slowly, i begin my journey down the steps. dad smiles at me whenever i walk into the kitchen and i try my best to return the smile.

"someone's grumpy this morning,' dad comments throwing an apple my way. 

i catch the fruit and take a bite, "someone's cheery this morning."

he chuckles and hooks his arm in mine, "i have something for you, sam!'

i groan and stumble after him, into the garage and then outside. granted, i don't know why we didn't just use the front door. adults will be the death of me. 

i come face to face with what looks to be my new car. from what i can tell it's a 2014 charger. most kids would squeal, jump up and down, and so much more but all i can muster up is a smile (bigger than any of the ones i've had since him and a soft embrace."

"thank you, dad. it means so much."

dad understands in a way that mom cannot. he kisses my forehead, whispers an i love you and a see you later and then slides into his car, disappearing down the road. 

tears prick at my eyes, but i take a deep breath and push them away. today i am strong. 

today i am okay.

not sure about tomorrow yet though. 

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