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He kissed her. Oh, gods, he kissed her.

She immediately stiffened, afraid of what he'd do to her, but she didn't pull back.

That was when the other guys he was with chose to walk through the hallway. 

The goth looking boy saw his friend's back. "Hey, Percy. Where-" he stopped, noticing what he was doing.

Alexus chose to shove him away, causing the guy, Percy, to stumble backward with confusion in his eyes. "Annabeth?"

Annabeth? Who the hell is he talking about? Oh, gods, he didn't just kiss me because he thought- no.

"Oh, so I'm a rebound now? The street mutt becomes the slutty rebound just because the new kid can't see his ex? Why don't you just fuck off, and go with your group of friends? I'm getting tired of you being here." She picked up her backpack and repositioned her hood over her face before shouldering past him, his friends moving away for her to leave.

She could feel tears threatening to fall. He just stole her first kiss, and for what? For thinking she was his ex-girlfriend?

Alexus shoved the thought and image of him out of her mind, darting passed the hallways with her head down as she went to another abandoned corner of a hallway not many students knew of. As soon as she got there she slammed her back against the wall, backpack already on the ground, a sob wracking her skinny and bruised body.

Why did guys always have to ruin her life? She buried her face into her crossed arms, knees pulled up with her arms on them. Why did they always have to be there at the worst moments and ruin everything?

The image of her father flashed behind her eyelids, and she shivered subconsciously. No, don't think of him. Not now, she thought. Alex let her tears fall silently, doing her best not to move, moving would cause her body more pain from the bruises and what she believed to be a cracked rib.

She was thankful when the ten-minute bell rang. The girl just wanted this day to be over.

She wiped her tears on her jacket sleeve, making sure to cover her eyes and wash off the puffiness with her water bottle. Alex grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder, turning the corner to which she was face to face with the basketball kid.

His close shaved black hair made him look like a cliche basketball player, not that Alexus knew what one actually looked like outside of school, his black leather jacket unzipped to reveal his tight sophomore class shirt that showed his toned muscles. He wore black combat boots and black jeans, the color matching with his African skin tone.

Ugh, one of his buddies. She tried to walk past him, but he stepped in front of her. "You're Alexus, right?"

It sounded more like a statement than a question, but she fought off her racing heartbeat, gulping down the fear rising in her throat. "Yeah. What do you want?"

He shrugged. "I'm new here. I thought you could help me with finding Mr. Lauber's classroom." He pulled out a schedule with Lauber as 5th period. She mentally frowned.

Most of his classes were with her, she noticed, just not BITA or Chemistry. The rest of them were identical, meaning she had to show him around. Again Alex mentally groaned.

"Sure. I have his class," she answered. "I can show you to his and next period."

"Thanks," he replied with what seemed like relief. She wondered if it was for showing him the classes, or for her not saying no to him. He held out his hand. "I'm Walt."

She hesitantly shook it. "Alexus. You can call me Alex." Walt nodded in understanding.

He pulled on the strap of his black backpack and they walked to class, Walt giving her some space and walking a few steps behind her while she pointed out the closer classrooms from his schedule.

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