4. Magic Shop

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Min Yoongi lazily opened his eyes and rose from his heavenly comfortable bed with a deep exhale.

After having taught his new assistant Dowoon how to properly clean a cut and tie off a set of stitches on the arm of a freshly injured Wonho yesterday, he instinctually shuffled over and flopped into the sheets; tired out by the activity of barely 20 minutes. And that was there he stayed until the next day, only to wake up to the late afternoon sun and a ginger touch on his shoulder.

"Yoongi, Yoongi, you've got to get up now. You said you'd teach me to mix elixirs and pick herbs today." Dowoon's ridiculously deep voice said softly. "You've been asleep since yesterday evening; you've got to be starving right? Come on, I made you breakfast. Er, more like lunch I mean."

The healer smacked his lips and only nodded slowly, raising a slender hand to pat the younger on the head. "Thanks." he mumbled. Dowoon didn't speak very much and was often deathly quiet, only saying anything when he asked a question or needed clarification on what Yoongi was teaching him as his mentor. Yoongi liked silence so Dowoon was the ideal student in his mind. Said student leaves his side for only a brief moment, disappearing to the other room and reappearing again with a tray, placing it on his teacher's lap. Through the bottom of the tray, blankets, and layer of pants, Yoongi sighs comfortably at the heat of the meal before him. The aroma of grilled bell peppers and chicken with a side of buttered bread assaults his olfactory senses. Digging in with a growling stomach and drooling mouth, Yoongi nods at Dowoon in thanks once more. Dowoon replies with a nod of his own and then walks to the small counter in the far corner of the room. He reaches for a cloth and a set of glass vials, proceeding to clean the glassware without a word.

Yeah, Yoongi most definitely liked his quiet, quiet student.

Before receiving his new roommate and disciple, Yoongi was alone as usual. There was predictably around a year in between each student he was given on the king's orders. His task as the most skilled healer on their side of the continent was to train the next generation of healers. When he was first instructed to teach seven years ago, the king sent him a group of ten students to tail him around for three months. It was absolutely terrible. As a generally quiet man who liked to work by himself, having to raise his voice and constantly repeat himself gave Yoongi intense migraines and endless source of a sore throat. The students were eager yes, but were so easily distracted by talking to each other and their surroundings that when he had finally managed to train them in full after the three months and send them on their way, he knelt at his ruler's feet and pleaded that he only be sent one student per year before the next batch of noisy kids could be sent. Despite the king's protestations, Yoongi managed to convince him that quality was far better than quantity in the realm of medicine and that he'd be able to better thoroughly train each student and proudly send capable young healers out into the world. Yoongi himself was barely older than those sent to study under him but had been practicing for so long that he'd developed an air of a wise old man, his talents first being used when he was twelve. Now a man of twenty five years in age, Yoongi had seen more than his fair share of bloodied faces, broken bones, and illnesses over the span of his career. Despite having thought to have mastered all areas of his practice by people all over the kingdom, Yoongi had yet to become an expert in poisons. Sure, he was extremely well versed in the majority of poisonous plants and liquids that were commonly found, but he still needed to further investigate the newer poisons that were appearing here and there. This was a study he needed to master as quickly as possible considering the fact that he worked for the royal family and well, poison that was proven to be a generally popular way for usurpers to get rid of royalty. Yet as soon as he'd thought he'd figured out one poison, another one would appear almost immediately for him to ponder over. Yoongi had a hard time trying to keep up with antidotes at the rate at which sickos in the shadows would think up of another poison.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2018 ⏰

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