chapter 18

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Not edited but please read on :):):)

Shawn POV

I look over to the man that claims that he is Layanna’s father. Layanna has never talked about her dad so I don’t know how to really deal with this situation. The more I looked at him I could see that he did resemble Layanna. They had the same eyes and nose. I do know that I don’t want to cause Layanna any stress when she wakes up because that will just make her healing that much harder. I look over to her and watch as her chest rises and falls assuring me that she is alive and well. I look over to see her dad just watching her in awe with so much sadness in her eyes. He looks to me and notices me holding her hand.

            “What?” I ask him

            “Are you dating my daughter?” he asked

            “Yes I am dating her why does it matter” I say

            “It doesn’t matter I support you guys whole heartedly because I know that you will look after her and keep her safe. Judging by the look on your face you are shocked” he said

            “I am shocked because her mom and my parents don’t want us together.” I say

            “Her mother is a conniving backstabbing lie whore. I personally don’t care what color you are so long as you make my daughter happy.” He says

            I nodded my head in agreeing with him. I look back over to my beautiful angels face. I just want her to wake up and smile or talk. I miss hearing her beautiful voicing seeing her smile. I look over to her father and watches as he sits in the spare chair across the room. We spoke to each other for a while before he left telling me that he will return tomorrow.

####3 weeks later####

Shawn POV     

            It has been about three weeks since Layanna’s dad first came by. Since then he’s been here every day at the same time. He tells me stories about Layanna when she was little and we have been getting to know each other and so far what I’ve learned I’ve liked. He just got here we were talking about nothing really just random conversation. I could feel my eyes starting to fall so I decided to rest my head on the side of Layanna’s bed.

            Next thing I know the door is being slammed open and I am shot with a tranquilizer. I can feel the haziness of the drug in the dart start to cloud my vision. I look up at Layanna’s face and notice that she is finally awake. But before I can do anything I feel my body giving to the drug. I hear her scream out my name but that’s it before I blank out.

Layanna POV

            I am being dragged out of the hospital and down the hall. The nurses are all sprawled out onto the floor with darts on them. I scream and scream hopping that someone will hear me and go for help. Then I felt a sharp pain on the side of my head. The last thing I hear before I black out is

            “GET THAT BITCH IN THE CAR…QUICK” a familiar female voice said.

Paula POV

            We finally got this whore. All she had to do was leave my son alone and she wouldn’t have to die but the bitch doesn’t listen. It didn’t have to end like this…but who I am kidding I don’t give a fuck about this bitch. I am going to have fun killing and torturing this bitch. And with the help that I have from her dumbass grandfather I will be able to end her and this infatuation that my son has with her.

            I look over to Elnor who is in the passenger seat to see that he is texting on his phone. I reach over to take the phone out of his hand and he snatches it away faster than I can grab it. This fucker is up to something I just know it. But that’s alright he won’t be around long enough for me to care.

            “What are you doing Elnor” I asked

            “Phone sex with this young little tenderonni I met on this dating site.” He said

            “You sick bastard you always had an infatuation with the younger women.” I say

            “You weren’t saying that shit when it was my dick that was giving you pleasure” he said

            I choose to ignore him and drive to the warehouse. I pull around back and tell him to grab the bitch so we can get this shit over with.


####some time later####

Layanna’s POV

I am woken up by someone slapping my face. The cloudiness is leaving my head and I can finally focus. I am chained to two steel posts in the middle of an empty warehouse. I see my grandfather and I see Paula. What the hell am I not liked by anyone. My head drops back down.

“Wake the fuck up bitch” Paula screeches in my ear after the slaps me. “It’s time for your ass to die”

“Any last words” she said

“Why? What did I ever do to you?” I ask

“Because of you bitch my son won’t see reason so naturally I have to take you out. It’s for the best anyway no one is going to miss you.” She says as she pulls out a gun and aims it at my head.

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