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     I sat up, wondering how the hell Nika got my number.

"What the fucking hell...  How did she find it...??". I panick a little.

My mom knocks on the door, snapping me out of my thoughts.  "Are you okay sweetie, you're hypoventilating. I can here you from out here." She sounded worried.

"O-Oh y-ya I'm fine mom!". I try not to sound hateful.  I hear her foot-steps fade down the hall.

I let out a loud sigh.  "Damn it..."

I block her number hoping she'll just give up and go away.

I set my phone down and look outside.  It's getting dark.  I absolutely hate it.  I can't stand to be outside at night!!

I lay down falling asleep almost instantly.

"Heh heh.  Jackson~"

I hear a sweet voice ringing through my ears.  I look around, it's pitch black.  I can't see my hand in front of my eyes!

"Tch...". I look around trying to find a light, or passage, or a door.

I see nothing.

At that moment.

As a light shines off in the distance, I Sprint towards it.  Right before I was able to touch the light.  The ground fell from under me.

"Jackso-". The voice fades as I fall.




I seemed to fall for forever.  Until...

I sit up in my bed quickly, breathing heavily.  Who's voice was that...

"Tch...". I get in my uniform.

Slide my shoes on.

Kiss my mom good bye.

Walk out the door.

Who knows what today holds for me...!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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