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(34 hours later) Dean moaned as a contraction hit him. The contractions were now on top of each other and the uncomfortable tensing of muscles had evolved into a quite painful sensation. Dean had his feet in stirups, he was shirtless due to the amount he was sweating, and his under area was being covered by a blanket so he had just a little decency. Sam was holding his hand and being supportive, and Castiel was playing doctor. He'd done this on multiple ocassions and was more than educated on everything that was going on. "Dean you're almost fully dilated, you're gonna have to push soon," stated Cas. Dean nodded and pressed his lips together knowing that if he tried to speak it would come out as a whimper. He felt another contraction and had to fight against the urge to push. He closed his eyes and tried focusing on his breathing (something Sam had tried to help him do) "Dean at this next contraction you can push," the angel said gently. "Fucking finally, " Dean snapped. Be then whimpered as the top of a contraction hit him, immediately he tried working with the tense muscles and pushed. He felt a burning sensation, and stopped pushing after Cas got to the count of ten. He repeated the process, pushing harder. He fell into his pillows at the end of the second contraction. Castiel told him to breathe through the next contraction and he obeyed, squeezing Sam's hand hard. "You're going to break my hand!" Sam snapped. Dean snapped back at the end of the contraction letting go of Sam's hand ,"This baby is going to break me permane- ARGHH," he started pushing again when he heard Castiel start counting. The burning sensation intensified. "THAT FUCKING BURNED," Dean screamed at Castiel after the end of the contraction. The angel smiled,"The baby is crowning. You wanna feel the head?" Dean cocked his head to the side and the angel grabbed his hand leading it towards Dean's newly formed vagina. Dean felt something mushy and weird. "The head," he whispered awestruck. The moment was cut short because he was then getting torn apart by another contraction. He pushed harder and he made it to the widest part of the baby's head. The contraction ended and he had to keep his legs spread eagle. Sam was now watching everything, feeding Dean an ice cube, and ignoring his throbbing hands. Another contraction came and Dean pushed hard enough that the baby's head came out. Castiel felt around the baby's neck that was still partly inside Dean," The imbibical cord is not wrapped around the baby's head." Sam smiled and Dean breathed a sigh of relief. Castiel told him to breathe through the next contraction. When the following one came Dean was getting tired but still going strong, he pushed and found very little resistance around the shoulders as Cas helped guide them through. "One more push and your baby's here," Dean gave one final big push, sighing in relief as the baby's body left his. "It's a girl," Castiel said as he quickly started cleaning the baby. The room was filled with the child's cry. He sent the screaming newborn to Dean and he dealt with the afterbirth. Dean looked at his daughter with great affection , but then he felt another gush of water surround him," I think my water just broke again," he said seriously. Castiel pushed on his stomach and agreed with his guess. The baby was handed to Sam, who held it with admiration. Sam shortly had to put the baby down because the contractions were coming back fast. Castiel checked Dean's opening, after several close contractions came and Dean felt no pressure and Castiel saw nothing. "This is going to be uncomfortable," he warned. He then took his hand and shoved it up Dean's opening until finding resistance. His worst thoughts had been confirmed. "Dean this baby is breech," Castiel said cooly. I'm the next contraction I'm going to stick my hand back I in your vagina and pull on the baby's legs as you push. Dean whimpered and nodded. When the next contraction came Dean obeyed and ended up letting out a painful scream. The baby in the corner took no concern of it and was busy playing with her timy fist. They did it a second time and the baby made a big move down. "Since the baby's breech were gonna have to be quick so there's no stress on the baby." Dean nodded and pushed as hard as he could at the next contraction. The shoulders were coming fast. He pushed again and Castiel was only partly able to help assist with the shoulder. Dean's opening was already quite wide though so he took this like a champ. He fell back into the pillows and even though Castiel had warned him not to he sat through the next contraction. He then pushed so hard at the next contraction he made it to the biggest part of the baby's head. "One more push and your baby boy is out." When the wave of a new contraction hit him he pushed as hard as he could then sunk into the pillows when he felt the baby leave his body. "Castiel was silently working on the baby." Dean whispered," Why isn't it crying." Castiel worked on it for a few more minutes ,"Dean I'm sorry, but your baby boy was a stillborn." Dean reached for his baby boy and started taking in his features and only him. Castiel was dealing with the afterbirth and clean up but Dean didn't notice. Sam went and grabbed the little girl Dean hadn't had much of a chance to look at. "He's beautiful," Dean said his bottom lip quivering. His eyes were closed, but he had a perfect little chin and adorable little brown hair. "He would've been Elijiah Zeppelin Winchester." Dean stroked at Elijiah face, he would've been perfect. Dean then brought the newborn closer to his chest. "We're gonna send him off with a hunter's funeral. Cas and Sam nodded. As if in response the little girl started crying. Castiel picked Elijah up placing him in a box were Dean could still see him. Sam handed the baby off to Dean who took it eagerly.

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