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Harry Styles is an owner at one of the most popular businesses in London, HSHQ. He takes things seriously so when news came out that there were hybrids at a shelter, he didn't believe it. He's a rational guy when it comes to the real world and imaginary things.

"Hear the news?" Harry rolls his eyes. "Yeah." "You should get a hybrid, make you happier." "I don't need a hybrid, they're not real, I don't want one." Niall rolls his eyes. "you're too serious for this world, let loose." Harry grabs his trash and gets up. "See you at the meeting."

He throws his trash out and returns to his office. "Georgia, send in the next." He sets his papers in the right places and the door opens. He looks up and sees a boy with bright blue eyes with a hood on. "Cold? " The boy nods. "What's your name?" "Louis." "Good to meet you, Louis."

Louis smiles and Harry motions him to sit. "What are you here for?" "Well, I originally was here to be your assistant." "That spot's still open." Louis smiles and nods. "What do you need to know?" "Age, other training, previous jobs, Etcetera." Louis nods and takes out a small folder.

"Some papers I thought would be good for the meeting." Harry nods and wants to roll his eyes so bad. This boy is going to be the death of him. "Tell me, do you believe in those hybrids?" Louis looks up in fear and Harry feels bad. "Why?"

"I don't believe in imaginary things, it's fine, you can believe in them." "Y-Yeah, I believe in them." "Why?" "Why what? " "Why do you believe in mythical things like hybrids?" "I do because...well I just like to imagine things." "Don't let it interfere with work."

"I got the job?" "Yeah, you're the only one who gives a good reason to believe in those freaks called hybrids." Louis looks down and remembers all the times he was called a freak. "D-Do you have to say that w-word?" "What, Freak?" "Yeah...." "Why you aren't one of them are you?"

"Would that change anything for the job?" "Who says it does?" "You..." "Tell me, Louis, are you a hybrid?" "Will you fire me?" "no." Louis looks up at Harry and slowly takes the hood off. Harry's eyes widen at the cute brown kitten ears on Louis' head. "You're real..." Louis just nods.

"Well, you have the job and I have to be at a meeting." "OK, thank you." "You talk very proper to be a hybrid." "I'm just one that can properly." "How many are there?" "Many, I had a friend, Liam." "I know of him, Niall talks about him." Louis smiles and Harry sees his teeth.

"You have sharp teeth." "Yeah, part cat." "Well, I have a meeting here." Harry points to a door and smiles. "Thanks for giving me the job." "It's nothing, thank you for making me somewhat believe in hybrids." "What's the meeting about?" "Hybrids...." "oh...." "It's fine."

Harry opens the door and sees everyone there. "Sorry, I'm late, had a meeting with a person for the job." "It's fine Mr Styles, let's get this ready and discuss the latest news on hybrid and the problems they're causing." "Ok."

"What side are you on, the side where you think they are problems or on Niall's side where Hybrids are perfect." Harry thinks back to Louis and sits beside Niall. "Why'd you change your first decision?" "Just thought it over." "What problems are the hybrids causing?"

"They destroy everything and attack." Harry rolls his eyes at the guy and leans over to Niall. "How's Liam been?" "Good, learning to talk better and wears clothes a lot more often." Harry smiles. Harry leans over so only Niall can hear. "I got a hybrid assistant, his name's Louis."

Niall smiles. "We believe Hybrids are causing a lot of problems, including desperation during a heat, public endangerment, property damage, breaking and entering, and theft. What do you have to say, Niall?" "Not all hybrids are bad..." "Yes, we know you teach your freak some things."

Harry rolls his eyes and remembers how Louis made him feel and he smiles. "Why are you smiling Mr Styles?" "Nothing, if you want to finish the meeting, we can do it in court." The older man smiles and stands up. "Fine, see you Mr Styles." He leaves and spots Louis.

"You're that freak of an assistant." Louis keeps his head down. The man pulls his hood down and sees the ears. His eyes widen and he pulls on Louis' ear. "No hybrids allowed."

Harry steps out and sees the man pulling Louis' ear. "Let him go, he's my assistant and I want him to have the job, leave him alone." Harry pulls Louis over to him and comforts him. The Man, Mr Grimshaw rolls his eyes. "You okay Louis?" "D-Don't worry about me."

Louis rubs his sore kitten ear and Harry feels a ping of hurt. "Where do you stay?" "On benches." "Stay at my place, I don't trust you out there with people, especially people on Nick's side." Louis nods and Harry leads him to his car. "Where to Mr Styles?" "Home."

The car starts moving and Louis grips onto Harry. "Never been in a car before?" Louis shakes his head and his eyes widen. Harry pulls the hoodie over his head because news of his assistant has come out to the public and they want pictures. He makes sure his ears are covered.

"Okay, you can spend as long as you want here." Louis smiles and fixes his hood. "There are cameras, people still don't like hybrids, if I get the news out that Hybrids are safe, they'll change a bit." "What if they don't and they want to kill us?" "They won't get you, I promise."

Louis and Harry make their way into the house and Louis smiles. "thanks Mr Styles, I appreciate it." "Call me Harry." Louis nods and takes his hood off. They take their shoes off and Harry hangs up his suit jacket. "Want some warm clothes?" Louis nods. "Follow me, I'll show you around."

After showing Louis around, Louis decides to lay on the couch and he falls asleep. Harry goes to find Louis and sees him on the couch. "Louis..." Louis opens his eyes and notices he's on the couch and Harry's looking at him. "I-I'm sorry..." "It's fine, hungry?" "A little."

Harry picks the small boy up and brings him to the kitchen. After they eat, Louis returns to the spot on the couch. He closes his eyes and feels himself being picked up. "Harry?" "Yeah?" "What're you d-doing?" "Bringing you to the bedroom."

Louis nods and he knows exactly what to do. Harry lays him on the bed and goes to the closet. Harry hands Louis some clothes and some for himself. "I thought you'd like to sleep in a bed instead of a couch and there are some clothes." Louis smiles and starts stripping.

He hears a door click and looks up. Harry's not there. "Harry?" "I'm changing in the bathroom." "Ok." Louis gets dressed and smiles. "He's different." Harry knocks on the door. "Dressed?" "Yeah." Harry opens the door and sees Louis laying on the bed. "Tired?" "A little."

"Well, we have tomorrow off." Louis feels his face turning red. "I'm sleeping in." "fine by me." Louis crawls under a fluffy blanket and Harry covers with the blanket they're laying on. "Night Louis." "Night Harry." "Sleep in as long as you want." "I will, you should get extra sleep too."

Larry Stylinson - Do you believe in hybrids?Where stories live. Discover now