Headcanons 2-5: Hinadam (because addmittedly it is cute)

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-Hajime secretly loves to spoil the 4 Dark Devas of Destruction. Gundam finds it adorable.

-Gundam can't hold his alcohol, so when drunk, he becomes very laid back, funny, and cuddly with Hajime, who patiently listens and takes care of him. He adores drunk Gundam.

-Gundam is fluent in french, and Hinata is fluent in Spanish, they both havs the ability to not only turn the other to putty with their words, but also to do a few uh risque things to them through words alone.

- Hajime adores big dogs, Gundam wholeheadtedly supports and they have a pitbull-German shepard mix named Bruno.

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