Meeting Him

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Today I was going out with my friend to a party. I decided to be fancy casual and wear an off-shoulder dress paired with some leggings. My friend told me to come pick her up at her place so I took my keys went to the car and headed for their place. Once I reached their house I knocked on the the door  " It's me Jiyeon! " I yelled. JooE was my best friend since I was in preschool! She was so funny, sweet, and cute! Everytime I was sad she would cheer me up, I could've never asked for a better friend! She opened the door " Jiyeon! I missed you! " She said. " I missed you too! " I replied. "Let's go and can I drive? " She asked me tilting her head cutely. " Ok but please don't crash! " I said. " I will not! I have been practicing! " She replied.  " Ok I trust you " I told her and we went to my car and sat inside. JooE started the car and started driving. Even though she was doing pretty good I couldn't help but keep replaying the incident that happened when JooE last drove a car! It was horrible!

" Jiyeon I want to drive today! " She told me. " Ok " I replied casualty thinking everything was going to be fine. We both got in the car and JooE looked so exited, the most exited I have ever seen her! " You exited JooE? " I asked her. " Yeah! I am really exited! " She said cutely. She started the car and we started going everything was fine she stopped for gas she wasn't getting distracted which was great because she gets distracted all the time! Then we were at a stoplight, we waited for 5 minutes untill JooE decided to get her phone and play some music. While she was typing it she looked up to see if the light had turned green, and JooE thought it was green when it was actually red! She went forward and another car came and crashed into us from the side! Me, JooE, and the person in the other car were ok thankfully but our cars weren't!

                                                                                     End Of FlashBack

I was thinking about what happened until JooE snapped me back into reality " we are here Jiyeon! "
She told me as I came back into reality. " Ok " I told her. We both got out of the car and went to the doorstep of the house, my first word when I came in the house was " Wtf " I said as I entered the house. JooE was shocked too " Is this the right house? " She said as she looked around. Their were people making out some people were having sex others were drinking wine.. it was crazy. Me and JooE looked at each other " Lets enjoy the party " she said I could hear a lot of doubt in her voice but I trusted her. Since I was very stressed out lately I went to the bar to order some wine. Once I got my wine I looked to my right and saw this guy, he was so handsome! Perfection if you ask me! I didn't know that I was staring at him untill " Like what you see? " He said to my looking at me with a smirk. " Maybe, maybe not. " I told him with all of my confidence. He chuckled and said " wow you are brave compared to other girls " I really wasn't and I wasted All of my confidence to say that to him but I liked being called confident. We kept talking and drinking untill we both drank up to 30 glasses of wine! He looked fine but I looked like a mess! I tried to stand up but couldn't and fainted, but before I blacked out I felt someone catch me. When I woke up it looked like I was in a hotel? I looked to my right and saw JooE sleeping. I woke her up and she looked just as confused as I was. " Where are we? " She asked me in a very confused tone. " I don't know the last thing I remember was that I was drinking and passed out, the I woke up here! " I told her. (JooE POV) I was too scared to admit what happened last night. I had sex with 3 guys but one of them I enjoyed the most! I kept doing it with him and I think his name was Mark! I want him to fuck me again! " I forgot everything that happened last night " I lied to her and she believed it! ( End of JooE POV ) I got up and went to the bathroom so I could brunch my teeth and wash my face, then I remembered that I didn't bring a tooth brush! "JooE can you call room service for 2 toothbrushes? " I yelled from the bathroom. "Ok!" She yelled back. After I we got our tooth brushes we brushed out teeth and washed our faces. Then it was time to brush our hair, that was the hardest part because who knew how many knots were in there! Once I finally finished brushing my Hair me and JooE went to the lobby. " Excuse me. " I asked the person behind the desk. "Yes?" She told me and JooE. " We actually woke up here and we don't know who bought us here could you check the name of the person who checked in? " JooE asked her. " Well the names are BamBam and Mark " she told us.
"I don't know anyone named bambam or Mark. What about you JooE? " I asked her. "Nope"
She told me. "But there are 2 notes for you guys!" She told us as she handed us the notes. I was confused, I only remember calling someone Bammie.....? ( JooE POV ) I knew it, it was Mark! But the only thing I am wondering is who bought Jiyeon here because I didn't tell him about her. " Jiyeon let's go now" I told her. "Ok" ( End Of JooE POV ) We were on our way to my house and I was driving this time. "JooE put on some music please" I asked her. "Ok" she told me. She put on BTS new song Idol! When we got home we both sat on the couch. "Do wanna open the letter now?" JooE asked being her curious self. "Yes." I said also very curious. We both opened the letters. mine said:

Hi, I know you are wondering who I am
And you probably don't remember but
I had a good time last night with you
And I have to admit is you looked sexy
I wanted to fuck you! But I hope you
Remember me! And hopefully we can
Meet up soon! ;)
Yours Truly,

I smiled while reading the letter and JooE looked at me confused. " Do you know who it is " she asked me. " I kinda remember his nickname but not how he looks " I told her. " Ok I am going to read mine now. ( JooE POV ) I opened my letter and it said:

Hey babe how are you doing?
You tasted great last night ;)
I hope we can do it again sometime.
Anyways you got drugged by this guy
So I took you to this hotel and my friend
Brought your friend!
Yours Truly,

I smirked while reading the letter and then went to take a nap
Wordcount : 1232

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