Chapter 3

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Yeah, I'm on disability!  So the hell what?  It ain't what I always wanted but I get by alright.  My wife and kids are fed, we got a roof over our heads, anything else is gravy.

And yeah, I made better money working in the mines, but they treat you like shit!  I got laid off, you know.  I drew unemployment for a while. Then, I was out riding around with Joey, and the dumbass had a wreck.  I hurt my back, but you know, every cloud has a silver lining.  I don't have to work for a boss breathing down my neck all the time.  I work for myself, make my own hours.  If I want to go hunting with the guys, I don't have to ask for time off, I just go.

Now, don't get me wrong, I ain't lazy.  I do my part, help Carla and the girls.  They're my world, you know.  I would do anything for them.  Maybe my woman don't have diamonds on every finger, but we're happy.

My daddy said I'd never amount to anything.  Well, what did he know?  He was nothing but a damn drunk.  He used to hit us kids and Mom too.  But I ain't like that, I'd never lay a hand on my girls.

They tell you in school that you can be anything you want if you just work hard enough, but that ain't right. I mean, it may be true if you got some money, but not for people like Carla and me.  She has this idea that our girls should go to college, but she's got her head in the clouds.  I mean, seriously, if you can read and count, what else do you need?

Now, I've got a plan to make some real money.  Joey, me, and this guy Tommy are going into business together.  I can't tell Carla, though.  She'd never understand.  She's a good woman, my Carla, and a damn fine Mama to the girls.  She's too good for me, everybody says.  I just hope that she never figures that out.

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