Chapter 4

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"It's been a few days," Lila commented as Ladybug stepped off the balcony.

Ladybug nodded. "I'm sorry, there's been a lot going on in my life."

"Isn't that always the case?" Lila asked.

"I suppose so. But I had to put my hero life to the side for a few days; things were happening in my normal life."

"Oh, I see." Lila paused for a moment. "You know, I never really thought that you might have a normal life."

Ladybug laughed tentatively. "Well, it's at least as normal as it can be, considering...well, all of this."

"What sort of a life do you have?" Lila asked.

"A busy one, for certain."

Lila looked closely at Ladybug's face. "You must be about my age, right? Are you a student?"

Ladybug nodded.

Lila leaned in closer. "What's your name?" she asked.

Ladybug stepped back. "I, um...I don't think it's safe for me to say."

Lila smiled and stepped forward. "Don't worry. Your secrets are safe with me."

Ladybug continued to walk backwards. "I'm sorry, but I can't trust anybody with that. Not even Chat Noir."

"Come on, what's the worst that could happen?"

"Hawkmoth," Ladybug replied simply. "If he finds out who I am, then my friends and family are in danger. I can't let that happen."

Lila sighed. "I'm going to keep asking, you know."

Ladybug nodded. "I'm sure you are."

"Anyway, what's the plan for tonight?" Lila asked.

"We have exactly one person to see," Ladybug explained. "And tonight, I'm going to need you more than ever."

"What do you need me to do?"

"I need you to tell a lie," Ladybug said softly. "I need it to be as convincing and as versatile as it can possibly be. It'll make all the difference in the life of one person."

"What's the situation?"

"I–" Ladybug stopped mid-breath, and waited a few seconds before continuing. "I think it's best if you see for yourself."

Lila fastened her mask. "If you say so. Ready when you are, m'lady."

And moments later, Lila found herself swinging above the golden-lit streets of Paris, with her arms wrapped tightly around Ladybug's shoulders, the wind whipping through her hair. She grinned wildly from the thrill.

"Where are we headed?" Lila called out.

"To the Saint-Louis Hospital!" Ladybug replied.

As they swung above the Seine, Lila felt the spray from a passing boat, and a passerby waved at the duo. Lila almost raised her hand to wave back, but upon realizing that would likely entail falling into the cold water below, she instead clung even more tightly to Ladybug's shoulders.

It was mere minutes before the two alighted on the roof of a large building. Lila gazed over the edge at the ground below. "It's quite a ways down," she commented.

"I think you should go alone," Ladybug declared. "The window's the second floor from the top, I can lower you with my yoyo."

Lila glanced over at Ladybug. "Are you sure? I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing here."

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