4: Why couldn't it be mini golf?

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No one's POV:

After the ice skating, everyone's feet hurt so much -Canada not included-, that everyone decided that it was best for everyone to go to rest to a closest hotel for the night. You had found a small hotel, on the outskirts of the city, and decided to stay here, since it was most likely to be the quietest place you could find. You had bought five rooms for three for one night, and you had ended up sleeping with Hungary and Austria. Austria was sleeping with you guys, because he was only person Hungary trusted who wouldn't do anything stupid while you two sleep.

Others were sharing rooms like this:

Italy, Germany and Japan.

Canada, America, and England.

Prussia, Spain and France

China, Russia and Romano, though Romano didn't like this at all, and insisted sleeping with Italy so: 'That potato bastard wouldn't try to do anything'.

You were laying on your bed, while Austria was playing his mini piano, and Hungary was reading some yaoi. You listened to Austria's music and only one thought crossed into your mind: 'How the fruk does he play it so well..? I can only play some short and simple songs..'. You thought as you yawned. The day has been long and though it wasn't even 9pm yet, you were exhausted. Spending time with group of countries that were acting like a little kids, sure made you out of breath. As you were about to fall asleep, there was a loud knock on the door.

"(C/N)!! HUNGARY!! AUSTRIA!! WE ARE GOING TO THE BAR AND YOU ARE COMING WITH US!!" You could hear Prussia yell from the other side of the door. Hungary sighed in frustration and rolled her eyes.

"AND WHAT IF WE DON'T?!" Hungary yelled back, and Prussia thought for a second.

"Um- I HAVE HIDDEN SPEAKER IN YOUR ROOM, AND I WILL PLAY 10 HOURS VERSION OF HIT OR MISS FROM IT IF YOU DO NOT COME!!" Prussia announced, and you looked around. There was no way he could have even done that, you just arrived at the hotel. Hungary looked around and spotted a mini vase next to the door.

"IS IT IN THAT VASE?!" Hungary asked, and you could hear the certain Prussian curse from the other side of the door. Austria 'tched and rolled his eyes.

"No way we would go with them-"

"THERE'S A PIANO IN THE BAR!" You could hear Prussia yell. Austria stood up and looked at you and Hungary. You rolled off from your bed, whispering 'parkour' under your breath.

"Get ready girls. We are going to that bad", Austria stated, and you nodded. You were ready.

~Time skip~

You arrived in the bar, following your friends there. Austria headed to the piano right away. You had agreed with America -Or America had to since he was still underage, though it was legal in Canada, but America wanted to follow his country's rules- and Canada to be the ones who won't drink, and watch others get drunk. Honestly you didn't mind it. Every time they got drunk they did all these stupid things and you could laugh at them and record everything. Everyone knew it was a bad idea to go to a bar with such a big group, but hey there was nothing to do to stop them.

There was the scent of alcohol in the air, but there wasn't many in the bar, because it was the middle of the week. The place was nicely decorated and there was Canada's flag on the wall. You smiled and followed others to the bartender's counter. You sat a little more far away from everyone and started to count how many drinks it would take to make everyone drunk. America sat next to you.

"Wassup dude?" He asked and you, a drink in his hands. You raised your eyebrows.

"I thought that you weren't going to drink?" You asked, and America looked confused at first but then looked at his drink and gasped in understatement.

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