Chapter One

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Chapter One


Another day at work, cars after cars and some that took ages to get done. My white singlet that was covered with dirt and black shorts, were now covered with sweat.  Having to hear winy costumers wanting their cars finished fast, gives me a headache. For god’s sake I’m not a damn octopus. I laid the skateboard looking piece of wood on the floor helping me to get under the car, before lying on it and getting under the car. With the small flashlight in my mouth to help me see, using a screw driver and a crimper. When my phone vibrates in my pocket, I pull out from under the car hitting my head when I go to get up; I groan in pain rubbing my head.

I pull my phone out of my pocket sliding the screen to answer. “Hello.”

“Payne.” Zayn’s voice speaks through the phone


“How are you doing mate?” He asks. I wipe my hands on my shorts before standing up.

“Not good. I’ve been working since 7 in the morning and I barely had something to eat yet.” I huff resting my back against the car. I stare ate my nails with dirt between them; I make a reminder to myself to have a second the first chance I got. I feel disgusting.

“That sucks man. What time do you leave?” asks Zayn. I look at my watch before replying.

“In 30 minutes.”

“I’ll tell you what you’ll do. You go home, have a shower because I can smell you from her and you stink.” He laughs and I roll my eyes releasing he can’t see me. “And you’ll meet me at the Funky Buddha, got it?”

“No man. I’m tired.” I whine shutting my eyes bringing my thumb and index finger to squeeze the bridge of my nose.

“Well you don’t have a choice, Niall is bringing some girl friends of his and well we all need this night.” He said

“I don’t need this?” I huff for the hundredth time today.

“Well you don’t have a choice darlin’.” He says.

“Liam come here we have a costumer!” My dad yells from the counter.

“I’ll be right there!” I yell back. “Listen mate I got to go, I’ll see you later.” I hang up the phone before heading to the counter. I can hear the lady’s complaining before even arriving at the counter.

“Liam this lady here says her car has been here since last week.” My dad says.

“Listen miss I’m sorry for the delay but, your car isn’t the only car in this place that needs to be fixed, so if you can’t wait then take your car and go somewhere else.” After saying that, she didn’t say a word. She nods her head before turning to walk away. I thought so.


“Dad I’m leaving!” I yell to my dad.

“Okay son, make sure to open up the place tomorrow at 7.”

“Okay dad, see you tomorrow.” I open the exit door causing it to make a jiggling sound before it closes behind me. It was a windy weather but it always seems to be hot inside and the work adds up to the heat.

When I reached my black Ford truck, I throw my bag in the back before climbing into the driver’s seat. It was already dark outside while Greenday played on the radio making me relax. I open the window letting the cold wind flow, relaxing me. After passing a few green lights, I parked in front of my own apartment.

My apartment was a mess that’s for sure. Pizza boxes and beer cans everywhere, my room had clothes scattered on the floor. I remind myself to clean up soon. I bet I won’t.  Usually when I come home I’m always hungry because I end up working in my lunch breaks and I am way too hungry when I come home, instead of cooking myself something, I end up going through drive thru or ordering boxes of pizza, something like that.

Shameless Hearts (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now