rule 8

11 1 0

"So, to calculate the area of the segment we need to subtract the area of the triangle from the area of the segment. We have the area of the segment. How do we find out the area of the triangle?" Elliott wrote the method on the board with a flourish.

My head was on the desk, but I could tell Elliott had just turned to face the class and was looking upon them like a hawk, searching for someone who knew the answer.

"What's the formula?" Elliot asked.

May must have raised her hand, because Elliott said, "Yes, May?"

"Is it... Base × height all divided by two?" May asked.

"That's for a right-angled triangle. The formula I am looking for is a higher level." Elliott replied directly, and then became quiet for a second. I felt her eyes on me. "Arren, lift your head from the desk and join us, won't you?" Laura sniggered.

I lifted my head slowly and blinked a little blearily, reproachfully looking at Elliott, who asked me, "What's the formula, Arren?"

" Half ab sin C," I answered in a low voice.

"Correct." Elliott turned to the board and wrote the formula. "The length of one side of this equilateral triangle is 7cm, and each of the angles is obviously 60°. Work out the area of the triangle."

For a minute or so I scribbled some calculations in my exercise book, then dropped my head on the desk, groaning a little bit. I seemed to only get so far with the equation before my brain undid its understanding of the problem, unwilling to work.

I heard Aggie say, "Idiot."

"Arren, head off the desk please," Elliott reminded me.

I was so tired. I felt very drowsy, and if I lifted my head off the desk I'd only be distracted. So I didn't respond immediately.

"Arren, that's a warning." Elliott's voice was firm, so I complied wearily.

I felt really shit that day. Too spaced out to even take in everything and still pay attention... this resulted in me staring through glazed eyes at the front of the class, not hearing anything from the rest of the class. The only thing worth noticing was a quick glance Elliott sent my way. I found her unreadable-- was it irritation?

That day after school I just couldn't revise, so I messaged Will instead.


hey, hows it going?

not great but yknow its alright

whats up?

did you ever just suddenly find school really hard?

maybe when you got to year eleven?

I think a lot of people do. hard how?

like you can't think, can't pay attention, you're constantly stressed

always unhappy?

pretty much

sounds like its more than school, possibly,                                                          but the pressure can't be helping

want to get out for a bit?


your neighbourhood isn't that far away,                                                              I could come over

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