Sun hats and Promises

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I dismissed the horrible feeling in my gut, warning me something was wrong. Ian wasn't home yet but it was only 4:00pm

The others didn't seem to be the slightest bit worried so they must know where he is!

As I ran out the bedroom door to ask someone on Ian's where abouts, I crashed into someone. I seemed to be doing that a lot lately. "Oh fuck, sorry." I cursed, hoping to god it wasn't Ian's parents.

"that's fine." A low voice replied. Toby. Well at least he was off his Nintendo for once in his life and smiling...? I couldn't really tell. He was one of those people who always look constantly tough and hard.

" so do you know where Ian is? He went out to the forest and hasn't come back..." I tried to keep the stress hidden in my voice but I wasn't that sly. Why should I even care that much! I only met the boy like a couple days ago!

Toby suddenly let out a loud laugh, grinning widely.

Frowning, I laughed awkwardly. "No but seriously I'm worried 'bout him kinda...those woods were creepy."

"You gotta be shitting me, man!" Toby almost cried, still in hysterical laughter. What is with this guy. Is he laughing at me or what I'm saying? It wasn't even funny.

"He's fine! I mean he's" A smirk appeared on Tobys face. training? what did that mean.


He gave a shrug in reply and tapped his nose. Great. So he's not going to cooperate.

"Well...When I followed him earlier, in to the woods I mean, I saw something...uh...a-a wolf." My voice was a bit uncertain and I wanted to bring back the words as soon as I said them.

Crud. Fuck, my non existent word filter. As well as sounding insane I also sounded like a complete and utter stalker.

Expecting at least an odd look from Toby, all I received was another fit of laughter and a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Don't think about it! Just forget it ever happened...." He started walking away but turned to look at me. "Or dont..." He smiled slyly and left.

This family was demented, but kinda cool? I'll have to admit that I hadn't really gotten used to the formal lifestyle out here. Breakfast, lunch and dinner was by far the highlight though.

Just as I walked down for dinner that night, I had almost forgotten all about Ian...that is until I saw him already sitting at the table with a girlie sort of sun hat on his head.

"Oh hey, Ian!" I gave him a bright smile and sat down opposite him, Thank god he was here. I was so glad he was ok and I was grinning even more gleefully.

Hands on his hat, pushing it down desperately over his bowl hair, Ian sighed sulkily, a pout on his lips. Gosh it was cute and I tried to conceal a smirk by tucking into my food immediately.

"Hi." He said shortly. The kid seemed a little stressed out. And what's with the hat? (As cute as it was)

Not wanting to embarass him in anyway, I chuckled and waited until dinner was finally over. "Thanks." I grinned and pushed my plate away.

I was always the last one to leave the table as I lived for second helpings, thirds or even fourths. Mr Hecox, didn't seem to mind. He figured me a 'sporty type' who wanted to bulk up so he fed me way more than he needed. It was heaven.

I sprinted up the stairs, three at a time like usual. It was actually becoming pretty fun here.

"Nice hat." I winked while I entered my room, seeing Ian sat on the floor with his...homework? I assumed that's what it was, judging by the immense look of concentration on his face. What kind of sick minded school gives homework over summer vacation..

As soon as he noticed me, however, he tossed the book under his bed at once. The front cover flashed and I read it quickly. 'How To Train A Werewolf.' I remembered that from yesterday!

"Thanks." Ian blushed slightly and kept it firmly on his head. It looked dorky...but cute, but I didn't get why he was so anxious to keep it on.

Sitting down next to him, I saw him smile. It was gorgeous! Like it could make every bird in the world sing in perfect harmony with eachother. Wow. "Sorry about this morning..." I sighed, still seeing the yellow flickering in his eyes.

He chuckled and smiled. "Hey, that's okay just n-never go in the forest again, okay? You have to swear!" Ian said in panicky voice. The change of tone and expression changed so drastically, it made me raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah...sure. I promise! I'm sorry." I looked under the bed and slowly pulled out the book. Eyes widening, Ian tried to pull it away.

The wolf on the cover of the book was so life like! It was almost nostalgic...but I guess I only thought that because of the dreams I've been having.

"You don't have to be embarrassed!" I laughed, watching Ian look away sheepishly. "I think werewolves are cool. Hey um, can I tell you something?"

He looked up at me again and nodded eagerly. So cute. Why not tell him about what I saw in the forest? Most people think I'm batshit crazy anyway.

"I saw a wolf in the forest today." I chuckled, shaking my head at how bizarre I sounded. "I'm probably out of my mind but it looked exactly like this wolf." I tapped the werewolf on the book.

Hearing no response from Ian, I looked over at him questioningly. "Y-You're not crazy." He said softly, but his eyes were nervous and afraid, the yellow burning brighter.

"Yeah that's great to know but do you wanna know something even weirder?" I laughed, actually finding myself to enjoy the nerdy conversation me and Ian were having.

"Sure I guess." Ian replied, a small smile playing at the edges of his lips.

"Well..." I shifted myself around slightly so I could look Ian right in the eye. He seemed a little tense so I smiled reassuringly. "The wolf that I saw...had the same eyes as you. An exact match! Blue...with a tint of yellow." I whispered the last few words, watching Ians eyes widen in alarm.

It's not like I said anything too bad! Man, this kid is sensitive.

He gulped and blinked furiously, the yellow slowly fading with each one. "Haha that is r-really wierd..." He muttered with a small nervous laugh.

My smile widened and I bit my lip. "Yeah I know." Ian still looked really up tight and worried, which annoyed me since I couldn't figure out why.

"But your eyes really are gorgeous." I said with a cheeky grin, my heart leaping in delight as the blood rushed to Ians naturally rosy cheeks again.

"What?!" He gasped, a smile practically springing happily onto his lips. I knew he liked it, how could he not? He knows it's true.

"You heard me." I smirked and gave him a friendly flick on the chin to make him raise his head, our gaze meeting.

His eyes. The sexiest thing I had ever seen in my life. Just by looking at them made my body heat up in naughty places, and I loved it. They were the type of eyes that you just couldn't imagine in your mind, because they were so breathtakingly stunning that nothing could capture their beauty, not even the most talented artist.

Not listening to my conscience ,yet again, I allowed my body to take control of my one sided desires and placed my hand subtly on Ians thigh.

My gesture must have startled Ian because he let out a yelp. Or perhaps he was only shocked because his hat fell off...and my god I was beyond shocked too.

Werewolves Are Cute I Guess ~ IanthonyWhere stories live. Discover now