Night 1

22 1 0

Ashlyn's POV:
There were a few moments I could faintly remember. Like the sound of feet pounding against the earth, as I was carried to the shade. I could feel the feathers on Sky's clothing. But I'd always fall back unconscious.
I awoke for the second time that day, to someone shaking me.
"Whaaaat?" I groaned and the two figures hunched over me sigh.
"How are you feeling?" The smaller one lays their hand on mine. Pulling my hand away, I rub my eyes until I see white dots, and the figures turn into my friends.
"Am I dead?" I turn to Grace, who has a ruby dagger clutched in her hand.
"Not yet," She shakes her head and smiles.
"Grace bandaged you up and did some healing-magic-stuff." Sky explained, helping me sit up so I was by his side. He looked a mess, but didn't seem to care. Grace spun on her heels to the small group gathered behind her.
"Thanks for the dagger," She handed the blade back to Julie who inspected it and mumbled a "welcome". She pulled up her dress to reveal a hidden dagger hilt on her thigh.
I stretched my legs out, and prodded at my makeshift bandage, which was some cloth cut from the hem of my dress tied tightly around my middle.
"Next time, warn us before throwing yourself in front of a spear-wielding maniac." Skylar chuckled, wrapping his arms around me as to reassure himself I was still there. I stifled a laugh, but my side burned in protest.
The rest of the evening was full of light chatter and me zoning out quite a lot, but what can you do when you almost die.

Footsteps. It was dark out, past midnight I'd guess it was, and I heard someone tip-toeing through the dried leaves. I peered around our warm wooden tent trying not to move to much and wake everyone up. Four of my friends lay asleep in the mossy dirt, but Grace was nowhere to be seen. Pulling myself up to my knees, I stumble to the doorway. Taking one last glance behind me, I pushed onto the worn path that lead deeper into the woods.

Now you would think that a rational person with a stab wound to their side wouldn't be wandering around thick wooded areas in the middle of the night. But you see, I don't think things through as much as I should. Following a small pebbled river down the path, I come to a giant crystal blue pond. I stop and brace myself onto a tree and gaze at the calm waters. Standing there for a moment, I notice a mop of white hair curtaining the balled up shape of my missing friend.
"Grace? What are you doing out here?"
She froze mid whimper, rubbing her face in her arms and whipped her head toward me. Confusion riddles her expression.
"You should be resting." She manages to stand on her feet and make her way toward me. I put my hand up.
"I'm fine, you're the one who's acting weird."
"I-it's nothing. Let me help-"
"Grace, please tell me what's wrong." She sighs and finds interest in a stick on the ground.
" different..." She choked out the words.
"Who?" I have a suspicion this has to do with what happened early today, and I take a step forward.
"Gaia...back at WICKED she was much nicer and..." she smiled, remembering fond memories "she told me she loved me and...and..." Grace slowly sunk to the floor in tears. I comfort her, but not really knowing how.
"She's a human Grace..." I try to lighten her mood but it makes everything much worse. She sobs harder and muffles, "No you don't understand! I loved her! And now..." more tears. As you can see I'm not great at 'being there for people' in these situations. As Skyler and I don't really these types of problems, but then again we're not 'human'. The big difference between the fae and human, is fae can only really 'love' one person, and that causes a problem in Grace's case as Gaia can do whatever the heck she wants, while Grace is stuck with her, basically forever.
"Grace..." I'm astonished by this, as one of the fae rules is never love or even trust a human.
"I know, I know. I'm stupid for creating this in the first place," She sighs as more tears stream down her face "you could have died from my stupid mistake." Grace wipes her tear-stained face with the hem of her dress.
"Wow really? I would've never known." I'm a terrible person. Grace stood on shaking legs, and gave me a weak smile.
"I think I've had enough crying...want to race back to camp?" She tried to shift the mood but it was a failed attempt.
"Nah, I'll pass tonight," I looked back out at the water that seemed to have stronger waves than before.
"Well, goodnight." She gave a little salute and stumbled down the path, leaving me alone to silence.

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