Chapter one:First day of school disaster

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My name is Naomi. My father is a sea biologist and a widower. We moved to California this fall because a marine study association offered for my father's help, with a more than fair wage.

It wasn't like we were poor. We had plenty of money and we never slept on the streets. However, he still always insisted on raking in as much cash as possible.

I was never necessarily unpopular at school, or even at the bottom of the totem pole. I've always made friends easily. That was until I started to attend an all girls private school. Chromlace Ladies School was the name of the facility I would soon call prison.

I remember my first day at Chromlace Ladies School. I remember it better than any other school I'd ever transferred to. Why? I felt more like I belonged there. Sure, no one was talking to me and I looked a little different, but something about being closer to the sea made me feel happy.

I walked into the front office that first day. At the front desk was a woman with graying hair done up in a tight bun with. She looked to be in her early forties. She was typing quickly on her desktop computer. Too busy to notice me until I quietly cleared my throat.

The woman's head snapped up like a bird and she cocked her head politely with a painted smile. "You must be Naomi." She held out her hand for a hand shake. I decided to take it.

"I guess I must be." I shrugged.

"Alright then, let's have a look here." She pushed her thick, red framed glasses onto the bridge of her nose. "Ah yes, Naomi Cormor." She opened the desk of her drawer and whipped out a pile of papers, clipped together.

"Now this paper on top is your schedule, if you have a problem with the set up, talk to the counselor. And the rest of these papers are your syllabuses. They must be signed by you and your parent or legal guardian and returned within the next three days. My name is Ms. porche. If you have money for the school or a teacher asks you to get them supplies, I'm your girl."

I was surprised she hadn't stopped to take a breathe. I took the papers and looked over my schedule.

"And one more thing dear. Principal Sheer wanted to see you before you headed to your class." Ms. Porche pointed to a glass door in the back of the room where a middle aged man sat at his desk.

I stood by the door frame and lightly knocked on the glass. He lifted his head from his paperwork and smiled warmly. "Naomi, is it? Come in have a seat." he gestured to the chair in front of his desk.

"It is nice to meet you Naomi, I am principal Sheer." He held his hand out and I shook it before taking my seat.

"Am I already in trouble?" I'd never been told to go to the principal's office before going to class when I attended a new school.

"No, at least that is what I wanted to talk to you about." His face went from warm smiles to concerned smiles. "You see, I've looked into your past school records and it seems you have a knack for trouble?" He folded his hands together on his desk.

I fiddled with a loose string on the hem of my skirt. "Not a knack," I mumbled.

Principal Sheer raised his brows curiously. His salt and pepper hair was neatly trimmed and his facial hair was kept short. He was definitely a prestigious man.

"Trouble just always seems to find me." I admitted.

Sheer leaned back in his office chair and looked at me with sympathy. I hated that.

"I hate to make it sound like I'm threatening you on your first day of school, Naomi. But this is a high class school for girls and young women who will graduate to do great things." He looked distant, like seeing a fond memory play in his mind. "We have a reputation to uphold, don't let trouble find you, and don't be the first girl in the history of this school to be expelled."

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