Chapter 2

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*Elizabeth's POV*

I woke up to the smell of waffles and bacon. But first I needed to get coffee, because trust me, you do not want to be around me before I've had my coffee. I sleepily walk into the kitchen and grab a coffee cup. "Good morning, sweetie." Jackson says pouring himself a cup of coffee. "Good morning." I say grabbing the coffee pot from him. "Breakfast is ready if you want some." Jackson said. "Yes, please!" I say as Jackson hands me a plate. I fill my plate with waffles and some bacon, then sit at the table. "I took the day off, so we can do anything that you wanna do. I can show you around Charming if you want?" Jackson says eating a piece of bacon. "Yeah, sure, I'd like that." I say smiling.

When the afternoon came, Jackson had shown me everything in Charming. It was definitely a lot smaller than I had originally thought, but I like it. It's a quaint little town. "I'm just going to stop by the clubhouse for a minute, then we can head home and start cooking dinner. That sound good?" Jackson said looking to me. "Sounds good. What's going to be for dinner?" "I was thinking spaghetti. That okay with you?" "Ooooo, yes! I love spaghetti." I say smiling.

We get home and Jackson starts cooking. I go change into something more comfortable, then go to help Jackson cook. I walk into the kitchen and ask what can I help with. "If you want, you can cook the pasta. Since it's easy to make." I smile and say, "Sure, I can do that."

After thirty minutes, we're both sitting at the table eating dinner. Jackson gets up and grabs a beer from the fridge. I start to think if he'll let me have a sip. "Can I have a sip of your beer, pleaseee. Just one taste." Jackson laughs and says, "Not a chance in hell, sweetheart. I don't want you going near alcohol until you're 21. Hear me?" "Yes, sir." I say frowning. "Now eat up. We can watch a movie after we're done putting up the dishes." "Okay." I say smiling, but I still can't help but think what does beer taste like.

After all the dishes were clean and put up, we go to the living room to watch a movie. "What do you want to watch?" Jackson says looking at me as I plop down on the couch. "I don't know. What movies do you have?" Jackson walks over to a cabinet and opens it. I stare in awe as I see shelves just filled with movies. "Ummmm, well how about we just pick a random one and watch that since you have one hell of a movie collection." I say laughing. He smiles, nodding in agreement.

We end up watching a movie called 'Titanic'. I loved the movie but Jackson just shakes his head saying it's a "soapy love story." I laugh and say, "Well you're the one that has the movie." Jackson rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, I know." Jackson sighs looking at me, "I think it's time for bed, darlin'. It's been a long day and I'm tired." "Okay, okay, fine. But can I stay up and watch just one more movie?" Jackson looks at me thinking for a minute, "I guess. But just one more, aight? Tomorrow is a long day. We've got to get you enrolled in school." I frown looking at him, "Do I really have to go to school? It sucks. All I'm doing is sitting in a classroom for eight hours listening to some teacher talk about shit." Jackson gives me a look that says watch the attitude, "Yes, you do have to go. I expect you to be on your best behavior too. Cause if I get called into the principles office, me and you are gonna have problems. You hear me?" I roll my eyes looking down at the ground, "Fine." Jackson reaches over and grabs my chin so I'm looking at him, "I mean it. I don't want any trouble, okay?" I look him in the eye, "Okay." Jackson nods his head, "Okay darlin', goodnight. And remember only one more movie, then bedtime." I look to him, "Yes, sir. Goodnight."

Half way through the movie I'm watching, I think about wanting to try a beer. I walk into the kitchen quietly and open the fridge. I grab one, open it, and take a sip. My first thought is that it tastes like shit. But then I take a few more sips, and I start to like the taste. Right as I started to walk back into the living room, the light switch comes on and there I see Jackson standing looking at me with a disappointed face. "I can explain." I say frantically, trying to think of an explanation. "Really, you can? Cause to me it looks like you're drinking one of my beers that I told you just not four hours ago not to touch." Jackson says snatching the beer from my hands. I can't think of anything to say, so I just look to the ground. "Look at me." Jackson says a little angry. I look up as he's walking towards me, "If I ever catch you drinking again before you're 21, I will spank you. Got me?" I swallow nervously, "Yes, sir." Jackson nods his head, "Aight then. It's time for you to go to bed. Goodnight sweetie." "Goodnight." I say as I walk to my room, wondering if he'd actually spank me if I drank again.

Elizabeth TellerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora