[just to let you know, I won't be following the books or movies very much, as I haven't read or watched them in quite a while]

I walked briskly down the halls of Hogwarts. I was to meet a small group of new Hufflepuff's and show them to the great hall from the common room.

I saw the group and I stopped , waving to them slightly.

" Hello everyone! Follow me this way, Alright?" I gestured towards the hallway leading up the stairs. I was only supposed to lead them to the stairs, from which a fellow Prefect was to take them to the great hall, who was of course the all mighty Cedric Diggory. I had only talked to him once or twice in the time that I knew of him.

I lead them to the stairs and I stopped. " Cedric will be at the top to take you to the Great Hall. " I was about to leave when I popped my head back as a few of them were walking up. " Oh and um, do mind the stair cases. They like to move. " And with that I strutted off. I always loved to end my tour with that line, and leave the group clueless as to what I meant.

I trailed my fingers along the brick of the walls below the commotion of Hogwarts. I dusted my hands a bit and continued to the Hufflepuff common room. It truly was beautiful down there. I tapped the barrels in the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff and entered the room.

I saw one of my friends, Elizabeth sitting on the rug reading by the fireplace

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I saw one of my friends, Elizabeth sitting on the rug reading by the fireplace. I smiled, and quickly sat down next to her, poking my head over her shoulder. " Whatcha reading? " I asked.

Elizabeth turned her head and smiled, her straight brown hair bobbing as she turned her head. " Oh, just something my sister sent me. I can't remember the name...oh well, it's quite interesting though. " She said. I nodded. I had met her sister Angela, a year ago. She was quite entitled, and no doubt, a Gryffindor. Her other, and much younger sister was quite interesting as well, but had yet to have sent Elizabeth anything, and had finished her studies early. She was also a Hufflepuff, however she was quite an odd girl. Her name was Margarita, a strange name if you ask me.

I nodded. " Oh! Now I remember! It is an extremely old book Angie had found in her library, a book by somebody called Thomas Paine an older man who belonged in America, as Angie is truly obsessed with the freedom there, haha... " She smiled. I nodded, lifting myself from the carpet and turned around, only to be met face to face with the one and only Cedric Diggory.

He had a very confused and flustered look on his face, as he looked me straight in the eye, and smiled. We were uncomfortably close, and so, I took a brief step back and he nodded slightly.

" Uh- right then....hi.... " I muttered. Cedric smiled. He held out a hand for me to shake. I looked at it then back at Cedric.

" Oh, um, you shake it, heh... " He laughed. I looked at him for a moment before taking his hand in mine and shook, before releasing. I realized I was being awkward and cleared my throat.

" Ahem, right then, I um, I usually don't do formal greetings or anything...I'm y/n l/n. " I stated. Cedric smiled.

" Cedric Diggory! " He said cheerfully. I grinned.

" I know silly! Your a Prefect. So am I. I believe we've talked once or twice. " I smiled. He scratched his neck, and looked away for a brief moment before turning back and looking me in the eyes.

" Anyways, are you excited for the Tri-Wizard tournament...? " He asked. I nodded eagerly. The Tri-Wizard tournament consisted of the top three Wizarding academies of Europe, where they would compete for the cup. I was planning on entering my name in the goblet of fire this year.

I smiled widely. " Are you entering? " I asked. He nodded briefly. " Oh! Me too! " I smiled, tipping on my toes to meet is eyes for a moment, before dropping back down to my normal height.

He let out a light closed-eye, chuckle, brushing hair out of his face, which, to be honest, sent shivers down my back. I ignored the sensation and turned to Elizabeth who was eyeing me, in a nervous fashion. " Oh, well, I'll be off then. " Cedric smiled.

" Right then....yeah, see you around? " I asked. He nodded, and turned, but quickly flashed me a smile and continued on. I turned on my heel to face a giddy Elizabeth.

" What's with you? " I asked nervously. She let out a quiet squeal.

" Oh, just that....Y/n's got a crruusssh, y/n's got a cruusssshhhhhhh- " I quickly slapped a palm over her mouth and her eyes widened.

" Shhh!!! And no I don't! I barely know him!!! " I cried, I didn't need false rumors spreading around, and ruining my reputation.

Elizabeth sighed through my hand and moved it. " Alright Alright, whatever. Hmm, I wonder what Alexander is doing right now.... " She murmured the question to herself and I rolled my eyes.

" Would you like to go see your Boyfriend Elz?" I asked. She eagerly nodded her head and we made our way to the Slytherin corridor. I dropped her near the entrance and let her find her way there, as she refused my assistance, as she 'wants to be alone with her Alex'. I made my way back to the commons and traveled into the dorm room. I shared a room with Elizabeth, and a girl named Abagail. It was a small dorm, but I got the window view, with a beautiful view of the sunrise over the lake.

I smiled, taking off my robes and leaving my sweater and skirt on that was beneath it. I sat my wand under my pillow and was about to begin changing when I heard a knock on the door. I assumed it was Elizabeth, and so I welcomed them in with a 'Come in! It's unlocked'. I had began to change out my skirt when the door opened and a scream sounded from the other side. Of course, it wasn't the scream of Elizabeth. It was that of, Cedric, Cedric Diggory.

I looked up as he slapped a hand over his eyes, and I let out a screech, luckily Abigail wasn't here either and I ran up to the door, grabbing a robe to pull over my undergarments. I rushed towards Cedric and shushed his screeches, his palm still pressed to his eyes. He was clutching a Hufflepuff scarf, that was more worn than his. " Cedric. You can look now. " I said quietly, in a voice that was almost meant not to scare a baby animal. Cedric moved his hand a bit, and let out a quiet sigh.

" Cedric, what in the world are you doing here? You know the Girl's dorms are off limits! " I scolded, to which Cedric looked down, in shame. He glanced back to the scarf and remembered what he was here for. He held the scarf out to me.

" I found it in the Common room, it had your name written on the tag. " He stated. I gently took it and smiled up at him.

" Thank you. " I smiled. " Goodnight Cedric. " I carefully closed the door, and continued changing into my nightgown, and sat my scarf on my table. I climbed in bed and stared at it for a while, wondering as to why Cedric would go out of his way to return it to me.

I smiled and closed my eyes, drifting off into a deep sleep.

I Won't Let You Die! [ Cedric Diggory x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now