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Ray POV:

When i got back to my boys crib i walked in and saw Sasha crying saying Diggy broke up with her.. Lawd im done!

Ray: what she doin here?

Jade: Diggy broke up wiff her,

Ray: Oh (goes to the bathroom)

Jade: well... That sucks that your bf broke up with you...

Prod: yep (still playing the game)

Sasha: Yea like you know about breakups.. (Rolling eyes)

Jade: No need to feel some type of way shidd and i do know about breakups me and Ray do it all the time.. So Fomf..

Sasha: I think you think you and Ray's relationship is so perfect..

~Ray Comes out the bathroom~

Jade: i dont think that im chillin(smokin more of the blunt)

Ray: What happen?

Sasha: She thinks yall are so fuckin perfect and if she thinks that then some is wrong with the hoe..!

Jade: ight fuck this (charges towards her)

Prod: (grabs Jade) Ayee jade chilllll!

Jade: Fuck no her lil hoe ass started with me im chillin all highed up!

Sasha: bitch bye thats why i was just kissin on your man while he was feelin on my ass!!

Ray: (walks away)

Jade: Tf you juss say?! (Snatching away from Prod)

Sasha: I was kissin all on yo man and he felt this ass!

Jade automatically snapped and Pulled Sasha by her hair and started punching her in her face And kickin her

Prod and roc: (grabbing Jade off) chilll!! RAY GET YA ASS OUT HERE!!

Jade: (kicks tf out Sasha face one last time) Bitch!

Ray: (walks into the living room and grabs Jade from behind) chill babe

Jade: Babe?! You fuckin cheated again (pushes him into the wall and slaps him) Me and you are really fuckin DONE!

Ray: What?! no?! Not because of her hoe ass babe its not whats you think let me explain!! (Grabbing her and turning her around)

Jade: Ight go head... (Stands there)

Ray: Well i went somewhere cause she needed to talk.. Then she put my hands on her ass and kissed me.... (Looking down)

Jade: 1st why tf would you go she need someone to talk to then she should call her fuckin mom!! And Second yo ass aint pull back so we done (leaving) Prod Drive me home!

Ray: No wait dont leave!

Prod: i cant drive yo--


Prod: Arddd ardd!

Ray: wait babe nah (pushing prod out the way and holding Jade down)

Jade: (trying to push him off) Get off me!

Ray: Babe im sorry i love you she just pussy!

Jade: (breaks away from him and runs out)

Ray: Dam i really fucked up... (Sitting down and putting head in his hands)

Prod: (follows Jade and takes her home)

Prince: Dam you dumm!

Roc: You fucked up with a good girl dam...

Ray: mumbles: ik....

Jade POV:

I was just getting home i ran in my room and my mom i think she saw my tears so she came up to my room and asked me was i okay i told her what happen and she just held me i love my mom...

Jade: i love you mom, (smiling)

Jm: (holding her) i love you too, Also me and your dad Might be getting a divorce...

Jade: What why??

Jm: its just not working out...

Jade: (i ran out the door and went to the basketball courts i was mad asff now)

??: Wassup,

Jade: wassup...

??: You ight?

Jade: yeaa (taking her ball and shooting a three)

??: Dam you good shoot another one, (holding his basketball)

Jade: (laughs) thanks (shoots another 3 and makes it)

??: Dam you nice where you been all my life (laughing) btw im Demontez or Tez..

Jade: Well Tez im Jade you can give me a nickname.. (Smiling)

Tez: Ard ima call you babygirl,

Jade: (laughs) ard im cool with that.. (Shooting another three)

Tez: (grabs her basketball and stands really far away and shoots the basketball and makes it)

Jade: DAMMM! You nicer then fuckin me! (Clapping her hands)

Tez: Im ight (sitting down) now tell me whats bothering you cause i can tell..


Tez: you can tell me..

Jade: well my boyfriend just cheated on me with his ex and i just broke up with him then i go home and my parents may be getting a divorce..

Tez: Oh dangg, you got it better than me my dad i never even met him and my mom died in a car crash so its just me i have my own apartment..

Jade: Oh... Aww you are strong asf.. (Hugging him)

~Ring Ring~

Jade: Man what???!!!!?!?!

Ray: Babe im sorry ju--

Jade: mumbles: stfu (hangs up)

~End of convo~

Jade: Hey i gotta go, it was really nice meeting you (smiling and hugging him)

Tez: i loved meeting you and can i have your number? (Hugging and smiling back)

Jade: Yea sure (giving him your number then going home)

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