New Year's Day

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"You sense it too, don't you?"

Levicy didn't turn from the window, the thin light from the wood stove highlighting her statuesque figure through her nightgown. Even after bearing so many children, Levicy Hatfield was still a striking woman in both body and face. Cordelia paused on the threshold, the floor chilled under her bare feet. She had wrapped a sparse, linen shawl around her shoulders. She felt hollow and wiry, nothing like the vibrancy she had assumed would accompany pregnancy.

"Somethin' is brewing." Levicy continued, her brown eyes fixed on the dark shapes of the trees beyond. "Bet you, Sally McCoy felt it long before this night. She's got the gift, that one, for all her husband's preaching. The sight as some call it."

Cordelia approached gingerly, casting a wary glance towards her in-laws' bedroom. The door was closed and no sound came from it. For once, Anse wasn't coughing himself bloody. She wondered why Levicy wasn't taking the chance to sleep peacefully.

"I was able to sleep a little but..." Cordelia paused, unsure of how to explain herself.

Levicy gave half a grin over her shoulder. "I believe I was wrong about you. There are some things only women born in these hills will feel in their bones. You come by it natural. You sure your people are all Yankees?"

Cordelia returned her grin weakly. "As much to my knowledge."

"Come and sit. There is a little coffee left over."

Earlier, close to midnight, they had brewed hot coffee and made quick meals of venison and biscuits for the men. There was a large party of them, even Johnse joined late. After days of secrecy, Cordelia had finally learned their plans. They were going to raid the McCoy property itself and bring back the patriarch unharmed to face justice. No one else was to be taken or injured. As Anse had said, cut off the head of the snake.

"I am thankful that Anse remained here. Out on a night like this, it surely would have killed him." Levicy wrapped her worn fingers around her cup. "But I don't believe it was wise to let Jim Vance lead."

Cordelia swallowed a bitter mouthful of stale coffee, grounds catching in her throat. "I was worried too when I heard it."

"I wish they had put Johnse and Cap in charge. Or perhaps just Cap as Johnse is compromised with that bride of his."

Cordelia stared down into the muddy depths of her cup. Before they had left, Cap had kissed her temple. His closeness heated her blood despite everything that had happened. He then had lingered, his breath stirring her hair. Nuzzling his face into her hair, his grip on her elbow tightened.

We'll talk when I get back, Cordelia. He'd whispered hoarsely.

Cordelia's reserve broke and she nodded. However, she felt it prudent not to mention the baby, not right before he left on a raid.

"I've been dreaming again," she blurted out, unable to keep it in.

Levicy crooked an eyebrow at her. "Tell me."

"They happened more frequently a couple months ago before I came to live with you. Before my father... before the shooting with Bad Frank." Cordelia rubbed the back of her stiff neck. "But it started again a couple nights ago. I don't remember many details-"

"Do you recall anything?"

"Smoke," Cordelia choked out. "And blood."

"They never should have gone. They never should have planned this raid, it's got a bad feeling around it, leavin' me jairy." Levicy shivered. She reached out and patted Cordelia's hand. "You tell him yet?"

The Tie That Binds: A Hatfields and McCoys FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now