The Touch

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"...All you need is to remember that we will meet again for sure."

Yunlan was watching him closely and Shen Wei realized he is no longer lost in the memories of the past. The soft wind from the cliff where they sat together was gone, the aroma of Yunlan's warm body next to him disappeared into the thin air and the vision became slightly blurred when Shen Wei's eyes focused again on the man in front of him. 

"That... I cannot tell you now." To hide his longing look, Shen Wei adjusted his glasses, blinking to hush away the remains of memories. 

"Fine," Yunlan decided to keep on going. "Then let me change the question. Why are you hiding your true identity and helping me out?"

That was also a question Shen Wei did not want to answer, so he sipped his tea with a silent sullen expression. 

"Okay, I will not force you to answer it as well," Yunlan started with his final tactic. "But I have been deceived by you for such a long time... it hurts my heart."

Shen Wei stiffened. That was truly something he did not take in account. 

"I feel really upset about you lying to me all this time. I do not think this angry feeling will go away unless I receive some compensation." Yunlan said that with such an undertone that sent shivers down Shen Wei's body. Hundreds of images flashed through his mind. From the playful ones they shared in the past, to the possible-ones Yunlan might be hinting at. All of them were dangerous.

"What-What do you want me to do?"  

Yunlan knew he hit the soft spot and pushed even more: "Only one thing. Promise me something." Yunlan used that mischievous and seducing voice Shen Wei always loved, but also knew it bring along troubles. Shen Wei gulped in nervousness. Yunlan had him in his palms and Shen Wei did not like it. He sensed some villainous idea is forming in Yunlan's head. 

Yunlan put aside his lollipop and turned to fully face the professor

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Yunlan put aside his lollipop and turned to fully face the professor. He wanted to formally and officially invite the man to work at SID. And even Yunlan knew this offer shall be presented with some high standards.

"Shen Wei, the professor of biological engineering, the Black Coated-Envoy soldier of the underworld," Yunlan started, feeling the easy with which he pronounced those titles, as if they were part of his life for a long time. "Please join us at SID... for me."

Shen Wei was furious. Yunlan used the truth to lure him into working at SID. How dared he? Shen wanted to get up and swiftly show Yunlan the doors out, but he was pulled back by Yunlan's hand. That touch burned his skin and he thought his heart is going to explode. It was the first time in ten thousands years that Yunlan took his hand in his own and Shen Wei's mind was shattered. 

Shen Wei got rid of Yunlan with one harsh snap of a wrist and Yunlan understood that with the touch he crossed a line.

"I am only joking," Yunlan tried to appease the other man with his kind and determinated voice. "But I really believe you need our help and, of course, we need yours as well. I know we will succeed in the future, but that can happen only if we work together. Only our teamwork can keep the city peaceful and stabilized."

Shen Wei looked at him and Yunlan smiled. That smirk did not help Shen Wei in establishing a firm answer. He started to doubt his initial resolution to keep a distance from SID. With the Hollows appearing it would be only a matter of time when more danger comes to the city and the SID members, Yunlan included, will be in great danger.

 With the Hollows appearing it would be only a matter of time when more danger comes to the city and the SID members, Yunlan included, will be in great danger

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The professor stood up wordlessly and brought the tea set to the kitchen sink. Yunlan watched his back when he washed each piece with care. 

"He is thinking about the offer," Yunlan smiled and reached for his half-eaten lollipop. He could tell that Shen Wei was weighing all the pros and cons of joining SID now. And even though Yunlan could give him at least ten of other reasons for joining, he wanted Shen Wei to come with the answer on his own. Because only by doing that Yunlan will have the feeling he did not completely push Shen into joining.

Shen was carefully washing each and every single piece of the used and even unused porcelain pieces. The cups, the teapot, the small spoons, tray... he rinsed off the foam with warm water, his mind busy with other thoughts than making the set spot-clean and putting it aside to dry.

"If I agree to the proposal... Yunlan might be in danger, because of me. On the other hand, chances are high some devil spirit will attack SID for the Hollows are now residing inside of it. That would put Yunlan in great danger as well. And if I am not nearby..." Shen thoughtlessly started peeling an apple. "In case I join SID I can keep an eye on him, but my identity... I did not wait for such a long time for it to be crushed to the ground..." He sighed. "I did not wait for such a long time to miss the paths with Yunlan again..."

"Do you need help?" Yunlan asked, startling the Professor completely. "Aish, you should be more careful. I do not want my Professor to get hurt." He bend down and picked up the fruit knife Shen Wei dropped when Yunlan extricated him from thoughts.

"Ah, t-thank you." Shen took the knife from Yunlan's hand and the butterfly touch of their skins made his mind go blank for a few seconds. He decided to not over-think the proposal. "Let's just think about it simply... let's think about it simply..." He looked into the man's eyes. "I-I..."

"You do not need to give me a reply now," Yunlan smiled. "I will give you as much time as you need to properly think about it. Do not make any rushed decisions." He leaned a bit close. "But you know... I am not going to let you go that easily..."

+++End of part 2+++

Starting with the continuation of the scene in the drama and following it with my own thoughts... part 3 will be the final one :)

Tea served with love (Guardian BL) ✔completedWhere stories live. Discover now