(*'ω`*)I got ya some sketchesss!!!

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I don't know how long I've last posted.....
But TODAY, I got some sketches...
I was troubled finding my own style, drawing different kinds of genre and stuff is tiring but I'm improving........a little bit.('ρ')
Soooo here is what I got they're not a lot but I'm practicing

An inspired sketch from My hero academia, it's a good anime I suggest you watch it!!!

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An inspired sketch from My hero academia, it's a good anime I suggest you watch it!!!

An inspired sketch from My hero academia, it's a good anime I suggest you watch it!!!

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The side view looks so wrong to me.....
but I'll find a way to make it less weird ( ̄∇ ̄)

 but I'll find a way to make it less weird ( ̄∇ ̄)

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Mah babies......
I was getting dem anime vibes and I wanted to draw them.....
I'll try to improve mare soooo pls tell me some tips I can use (☝︎ ՞ ՞)☝︎

次も頑張ります!!!! ( ˚✧₊ˍ̮ ⁎⁺˳✧༚)
See ya next timeee!!!

My Progress On Drawing (the first chapters r cringy asf)Where stories live. Discover now