Chapter 1

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The seductive growl of a motorcycle engine made everyone close to the parking lot turn to watch the senior glide into a spot, rev the bike, letting it roar, before turning it off. Removing her helmet, revealing a head of raven black hair, sharp red eyes glared out at all who watched her, a small growl erupting from her throat. Conversation quickly continued and students resumed going where they had been headed before she had pulled up. A black boot kicked the kickstand into place and she dismounted the sleek black bike. From within her black leather jacket, she withdrew a pair of Predator Rayban sunglasses which she slid onto her nose before going back into her jacket and withdrawing a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Shaking out one, she lipped it and lit it before sliding both back into her jacket. She sat there, leaning against her bike as she smoked. Pulling her phone from her back pocket, she checked her messages before opening her music playlist and tapping the play button. Immortals by Fall Out Boy began cascading from the tiny speaker. Closing her eyes, she shut out all other sounds and listened to the music. All too soon the bell was ringing and silencing her phone, she flicked the butt of her cigarette away. Hooking her helmet to her bag, she slung it over a shoulder and headed inside at her own pace, casually sliding into her home period just as the final bell was ringing.

The day progressed as any normal day for her. She was by no means a star student, but she did manage to glide through her school work in time to start on her homework from the previous classes. Often times finishing that as well. She knew the more she did in school, the less she would have to do at home when she could be spending it hunting devils, demons, and other ilk of the sort.

Trouble started during her lunch period. Since she never ate lunch, she was sitting on the rail on the balcony reserved for seniors, playing on her phone when she looked around, her honed sixth sense picking up something besides the humans and lesser supernatural creatures that attended the school as actual students. With a soft swear, she was pocketing her phone and slipping over the rail. Landing on the ground in a crouch, she rose and began to run. But she didn’t get far before something was knocking into her and sending her into a wall. Her darker side snarled as Throat Full Of Glass by Combichrist began pumping through the inner recesses of her mind, fueling the adrenaline that began racing through her veins. It would take more than that to really injure her, but that didn’t mean getting thrown through brick, concrete and sheetrock didn’t hurt.

Just as the demon thought he had won so easily and that his prey wasn’t as tough as she was made out to be, she charged from the midst of the smoke, triple barrel pistols blazing and red eyes glowing bright.

She knew it would take a beheading to rid herself of this particular demon, since the bullets only bounced off its hard armor. The only weak spot was the fact that the armor didn’t cover the joints. She would have to be up close and personal with this enemy, but she had to find a way under its defenses before she could deliver the fatal blow. She tried to lead it away, toward the football field at least, but the demon would have none of it and headed toward the cafeteria. Students, having heard the explosion of noise, had gathered at the rail. Seeing the creature headed for them, mass hysteria took over and with screams, they scrambled for the exits. Several were knocked down and trampled in the rush to escape. Holstering her pistols, she charged the demon and with her combined greater strength, grabbed the demon and threw it behind her. When it landed, a sizeable crater was formed and drawing her sword, she charged again. Coming to the edge of the crater, she leapt and raising her sword high above her head, twisted into a spin that would be certain to take the demon’s head off in one shot.

But she never got to complete the move as the demon sent out a blast that sent her into the gym. Before she could pick herself up, another blast was coming at her. At the last second, she summoned a shield to protect her, but all too soon a third blast was right behind the second. Her shield only held for one attack at a time before it needed to recharge. Knowing that fact, she leapt for the rafters and hung on as the building trembled around her. After the third blast died, the gym was devastated, but it was standing. Barely. As if knowing her thoughts, the remains of the ceiling collapsed, sending her to the floor. As she struggled to get free of the debris, she could sense the demon coming closer with every step, intent on finishing her off if she wasn’t dead already.

It finally stepped into her field of vision and she snarled at it, baring her teeth in defiance. It raised a clawed hand, ready to blast her again.

“Not dead yet, hmm? I’ll soon fix that.” She smirked at it and it froze. “What are you smiling for?”

“Surprise motherfucker.” Her clone jeered as the real Kira emerged from behind, erupting from a pile of rubble and neatly slicing the demon’s head off. Whipping out her phone, she quickly snapped a picture of the dead demon before it turned to ash and drifted away in the breeze. Best bets were the demon had a bounty on him and since she was the one to slay it, she’d turn in proof of the deed and get the bounty. Sheathing her sword to her back where it and her pistols vanished and closing her eyes, she felt all her injuries heal, cringing as her broken ribs mended, and softly growling when she had to force her dislocated shoulder back into place.

“Miss Umeko.” A voice behind her made her stiffen and whirl to glare at the headmaster. The guy had a serious stick up his ass when it came to her. Most likely for the main reason that she was always getting into fights with things that hunted her and as a result, the school got damaged. She couldn’t blame him, but then again, she never got along with authority figures to begin with. “I am so glad that this is your senior year at this school.” He began, face red with rage as he took in the damage. “It means I can expel you without fear that you’ll be back next year to cause even more damage!” He seemed to be at a loss for words in his fury with his mouth moving but no words coming out. Taking that as her dismissal, she left the remains of the gym and collecting her bag, headed to her bike and headed out.

“Well, that was one way to graduate early.” I commented as I walked into my studio apartment, slung my helmet to the couch before I headed into the kitchen and went for a fork and a can of spegettios with meatballs. Popping the top, I dropped to the couch and ate my cold lunch. The can empty, I neatly tossed the can into the trash can and flipped the fork into the sink to wash later. Summoning a dagger, I threw it at the map on the wall to my right. When I heard the thunk of it hitting the wall, I rose and checked out my next base of operations. It was time I moved on and leave these people to some sort of peace. I smiled at seeing the location. “Fortuna, huh? Cool.” I packed my bags with enough clothes and essentials to start me off in my new location and tied them to the back of my bike. My laptop, handheld game system and its games as well as the charger and battery packs for my phone went into my backpack after I’d dumped out the crap I’d never use again. A look through the tiny apartment assured me that there was nothing else I’d need before I left, leaving the key and the door open, as I did. Mounting my bike and cranking her up, I listened to the purr of her engine as I set my earbuds in my ears and fit my helmet on my head. Making sure no hair would get in the way while I rode, I released the brake and headed out. After years confined in this dirtheap of a town, I was finally able to leave it and head somewhere new and interesting.

I was just never aware of how interesting my new home would become until I came face to face with the resident devil hunters of Fortuna.
The half angel twins of the Devil Knight Sparda.

Dante and Vergil.

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