Chapter 2

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It had been a month since I had set myself up as a demon hunter in Fortuna. Having some free time, I went on a personal hunt. The entire month, my sixth sense had been going crazy. Sure, I was able to sense my enemies, but I had been sensing something that was different from the usual demons I had hunted. I was taking the time to hunt down what it was. It was past time I learned whether it was friend or foe.

On my bike, I cruised through the streets, letting my sixth sense guide me to the source. I ended up outside a shop called Devil May Cry. This was where that feeling came from and from what I was getting, it was strongest inside. Dismounting, I summoned my weapons but didn’t draw them. As I approached the double doors, I kept my guard up, ready to throw up a shield if I had need to. Hand hovering over a gun, ready to draw it, I opened the door with the other.

I don’t know what I was expecting when I cautiously walked inside, but this wasn’t it. The few items of furniture looked ratty and used. A couch, chair, and coffee table with an old TV was on one side while a well used pool table and jukebox was on the other side. Across from me were two desks, one cluttered with magazines and other things while the other was neat and contained a well used and well cared for laptop.

Now that I was in the midst of the source, I could sense it clearly. It wasn’t human, but it wasn’t demon either. I could sense something both dark and light.

While I had been taking in my surroundings, I never noticed the male that had entered the room from the bathroom until my sixth sense went on the alert. Swiftly drawing my pistol, I spun and pointed it at him, my arm steady.

“Whoa babe, didn’t mean to startle you.” He held up his hands, showing he was unarmed. He looked me over at the same time that I looked him over. “By the look of you, I’d hazard a guess and say you’re not here for a job. So why are you here?”

“What are you?” I growled softly.

He went from relaxed to wary in such a short amount of time that I found myself impressed. A hand went behind him and drew a beautiful black gun. He had it aimed at me in two seconds flat. “Ladies first. What are you?” His relaxed attitude was gone, replaced by one that said he meant business.

“Your competition.” I smirked.

For a moment, he looked surprised. “You’re the one that’s been taking our jobs?” Blue eyes darted to look at something behind me and it was my split second warning before a thin, but lethal, blade was kissing my neck.

“Answer my brother’s question.” Another male voice growled.

I shifted so I had one eye on both of them. Seeing that they were identical twins, I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I smiled despite that. “Oh, this is going to be fun.”

The blade pressed harder and would have broken skin if my shield hadn’t been up. “What. Are. You?” He growled again.

“Same thing as you boys: not human.” A look along the blade and I knew for sure who I faced. The blade was the legendary Yamato. Which could only mean that her wielder was Vergil. The one holding a gun on me was his twin brother, Dante. The reason why I had sensed both dark and light was because these two were Nephilim, an angel and devil hybrid. And it was legend how Sparda had fallen in love with Eva, an angel, which had been unheard of, and two children had been born from the union. I was facing those offspring, Dante and Vergil Sparda. This just got interesting. “’Cept I’m not half angel, my Pedigree’s a little darker. I’m going to let you boys figure that out.” Holstering my gun, I brought up a hand. “Caio, Sons of Sparda.” With that, I teleported to my bike and raced away.

A safe distance away, I slowed to a halt and mused over what I had learned. So the Sparda twins not only called Fortuna home, but ran a demon hunting business. For a long time, it had only been known that there had been one nephilim born from that union. That one being Dante. Then a few years ago, a second one pops up. And they had managed to overthrow Mundus, ensuring the safety of every creature with demon blood in them. I myself had stayed far from Limbo City, not wanting to draw attention. I leaned against the handlebars, one hand lifting to touch where Yamato had been against my skin. Dante and Vergil, huh?  I had an eye for good looking guys and the twins beat all the lookers I’ve seen by far. The vampire within wanted to sink her fangs into their necks and find out if their hybrid blood tasted as good as it had smelled while the devil inside warned me to be cautious.

The logical part of my brain was wondering if it was a good idea to get out of Fortuna before something happened between me and the twins.

But it wasn’t in me to run. I was seeing the twins as a challenge and I always rose to a challenge. Digging into my jacket, I withdrew my pack of cigarettes and lit one up as I thought, eyes staring at the sunset. I was cursing the flaw of mine that forbid me from backing down from a challenge.

I may have just run into a shitload of trouble and was too prideful to back away from it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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